
How to find a rotation of another coord system ?

Started by October 14, 2013 08:41 PM
21 comments, last by ryt 11 years, 4 months ago

I think I've got it, thank you very much, it just needs to be multiplied with inverse matrix M.

But I think I set up my matrix wrong so Ill set it up again.

Original matrix M, we set its columns as right, up and forward:

(0.44, 0, 0.89)

(0, 1, 0)

(-0.89, 0, 0.44)

Inverse of M, M(-1):

(0.44, 0, -0.89)

(0, 1, 0)

(0.89, 0, 0.44)

So the result of multiplying M(-1)*v = v', where v' (0.67, 0, -0.88) and its the same vector in space.

Phew, that was hard work ;)

Glad you got it in the end though.

Are you learning linear algebra or just looking at game programming material? A bit of linear algebra would help you (especially so your terminology is understandable to the likes of Alvaro and myself). Note how we managed to say what you were trying to achieve in a few equations which are a lot less ambiguous than wordy descriptions.

EDIT: If you want the quaternion solution, it's fairly similar.

If you have

vout = q * vin * q-1

then (multiplying on left by q-1)

q-1 * vout = q-1 * q * vin * q-1 = vin * q-1

(multiply on right by q)

q-1 * vout * q = vin * q-1 * q = vin


vin = q-1 * vout * q

an since quaternions are normally unit length then q-1 = conjugate(q).

Note, this is similar to the matrix version because if you have

vout = M * vin then vin = M-1 * vout. In the quaternion version, you have

vout = q1 * vin * q1-1


vin = q1-1 * vout * q1

then writing q2 = q1-1 we have

vin = q2 * vout * q2-1

which is the same equation as for vout but with q1 replaced with q1-1

EDIT2: The algebra works the same way as for matrices, you have to be careful whether you are multiplying on the right or the left hand side of each equation though, since matrices and quaternions aren't commutative (a*b != b*a in general) but are associative (i.e. you don't need brackets for multiplication since a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c, so you can write a*b*c with no ambiguity). A matrix and its inverse always commutes though, as does a quaternion and its inverse.

"Most people think, great God will come from the sky, take away everything, and make everybody feel high" - Bob Marley

Well I must say thank you guys once again.

It feels so clear now and easy. It was some time since I learned that in college. I got pretty good grades too, probably I knew that stuff but when I had to implement it I stuck.

Quaternion math is pretty similar to matrix, although I did not understand all that you have written by looking at it. I did calculate some inverse quaternion and I got the same result.

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