At the begining I'd like to present myself as this is my first post here. I'm Tomek [Tom, Tomas etc], I'm 18 from Poland, I know some of C++, mostly basics.
I just have couple of questions that I can't find clear answer for it, or maybe just can't find it.
1. How do I code game inventory just like RPG games?
2. How to create item data?
I was trying to create it in dat file. Using fstream for that, but I find it difficult to manage line by line, it's not that simple.
I just want to know if I'm going right way with fstream, maybe there are bettter ways you used?
What I had in my mind, I want it to be sorted by, for example: ID / Name / Level / Class... so each item has their own properties.
I was trying to make registration system and stuff, but I can't get SQLite lib to work with VS12 [keep getting errors] so I will leave that for later.
I want to mention I just need key words from you, so I can google and learn it. I don't need you to explain me every detail, just if I will have troubles in understading I will ask you to do. This is not gonna be game at the begining, it's just for experiencing. Not gonna go farer than console app at the moment.
Thank you in advance.