I am imagining having a 2d worldmap like FF6, except you can "enter" any tile and be taken to a side scroller procedurally generated terraria style map. I was thinking of how to have multiple terraria maps be coherent in a game world, and that is what I came up with. The player could choose a tile and build a village on it, which would change how the tile looks on the world map. I kind of see the micro actions of the player on the local map level affecting macro things on the world map level.
Do you think this kind of system would be fun? I am not sure if I am over thinking it, or if it needs to be more coherent. I am a little scared that switching from a side scroller view to a top down world map will be too weird(thought I loved the way link 2 did this). I want to make the world map be more meaningful instead of just being a tile placeholder for side scroller levels. I guess I could say I am trying to think of ways to make the world map more fun. Thoughts? Thanks.