For me it is quite interesting problem and worth some thinking: what categories would you make to divide (separate) content on the forum devoted to game programming ?.
I post it in the lounge category because I would like to see it in general not necessary as a proposition in the context of this forum.
The categories I see here are somewhat different that I would make, especially in the technical group - If I would divide it I probably would start with making the groups 1. programming 2. production resources 3. society or something like that. I like the way a "production resources" group is divided here it is * design * music * visual arts * production *business this is quite fine, but the programming group of categories I think I will rewrite in some way, Some ideas how you would divide it ?
(though as to design I probably would divide the categories on "gameplay" (things related to gameplay ideas) and "writing" (more about stories, and the setting, plot of the game)