I came up with an idea for a weapon system I would like to use in a game. Actually, I want to center this entire game around this weapon system. It's something I have never seen done before, the only even vaguley similar weapon I can think of is the Suck Cannon from Ratchet & Clank.
Basically, the player is given a glove at the beginning of the game, given some background on the glove and its origins, then given a chance to recieve training on the weapons use. Here is the catch, there are no ammo pickups in the entire game. The glove has a limited energy supply, but the energy itelf can only be used as a taser-like weapon. The key is that the glove is able to "digitize" game world objects, also using up a bit of the gloves stored energy, and store them into the glove. The glove is only capable of holding a limited number of items ( upgradable ), but the player has the ability to upload items from the glove to a remote server, thus giving room for more items. The player can then download items from the remote server if the glove has enough space left. The player would have a few different options as far as how to use the item from the glove, but each would use some of the gloves energy, some more than others. In oreder of lowest to highest in energy usage: Set down, fire as a sort-of energy ball, rolling the object like a bowling ball ( could prove an issue, might not be used ), tossing it like a grenade, or fireing it like a rocket. Tossing and firing would reform the object as it left the glove. The player would also have an option to "consume" the object and recharge the gloves energy based on an internal recharge formula that uses the objects mass as the main variable. The objects mass would also be used to calculate the damage done by a fired energy ball.
That's really just the basic concept. I see endless possibilities for expansion of this system. I'm not sure how much would be too much. Although, I do kinda like the sound of a FPS/Simulation. What do you guys think? Do you think this sounds like it would be fun to play with? Any ideas for improvement? Do you think it would be better to leave it simple or let this design flourish? I mean, it would be the main focus of the game. Shouldn't your games main focus recieve more of your focus in the design stages?