My team's basic plan has been to incorporate as many features as possible from the Is Your Game Juicy? video -- features like screen shakes, wobble effects, and particles -- in the spirit of "There is no such thing as too many particles".
We added in a referee, "to keep things fair". When the ball hits the referee, he drops items. When a player collects five stars, he gets a power up. In addition to the three basic time/speed power-ups, the player can also collect spells which are dropped from the referee. There are two spells -- mist and stun. The spells are cast using Right Shift and Left Shift.
We are writing our game in Ruby, using the Gosu gem. We are going to try to compile to .exe and .app prior to the competition deadline. The final version submitted for the competition is available at:
There are detailed Install Instructions in the Readme, including How to Install Ruby.
A compiled executable for Windows is also available, although it was not complete prior to the competition deadline:
To play, download, unzip, go into the StickBallClone-master folder, and double-click on main.exe. Hope you like it. Here are some screenshots: