
Open source html editor capable of loading large html files

Started by September 30, 2013 04:21 AM
3 comments, last by FableFox 11 years, 4 months ago

Does anyone have experience in using open source (or free) html editor / viewer that capable of loading/viewing large HTML files?

I'm using a tool that (depending on situation) generate 15mb to 50mb sized html files. This is outside my control.

The problem is that Chrome just wouldn't stop loading, the same with FireFox. I tried some html viewer / editor at Portable Apps (some of them free) and its all hang or just won't load (I use Ubuntu linux, btw).

Currently my only workaround is to open it under NotePad++ and copy paste the table I want to view into another html editor. (this is because the html would contain a lot of tables). I'm only interested in certain table, but the tools just generate things as a whole large html files.

Does anyone have experience in loading / viewing large html files? Since like I said, my only option currently is to open it in Notepad++, which strangely, load 50mb html just fine.


I just want to be clear, its not always 15 to 50 mb, mostly small (I hope, since quite new). But sometimes, it does go up to 15 to 50 mb.

These HTML mostly contain tables.


Of course NPP loads it. It's not even trying to load it as HTML. Firefox probably thinks it really has to load it as HTML, with the whole DOM tree and everything. Even simple layout with 50MiBs of data is going to take some effort.

You'll have to write a script pulling out the data you're interested in. I've done that in the past and it was no joke for me but I'd expect you to have an easier life on that side of things considering your files are well formed.

If the table you're interested in has an unique ID you're set.

Previously "Krohm"

You might want to Google for browsers or editors that use SAX rather than DOM. I've never needed this so I can't make any recommendations. That or, as Krohm suggests, try writing a script to extract the table of interest.

Does the output rely on Javascript for rendering?


Maybe if I have the free time I'd write the tools. But currently (at least at this moment) the big files are far between. So to load it into Notepad++ and copy the whole table into html editor, and copy the view result into spreadsheet software as text is enough.

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