ok I think first I should tell you lot about me
My name is David I'm 25 and I started building computers at 11 years old though most of them never worked lol thank goodness for anti static wrist bands LOL
I started programming and Modding when I was like 13 mainly just basic stuff though Like creating mods and editing files for games like ST armada and dogs of war I was also editing HTML documents for fun and other experiments
and created my first game at 14 using the 3D Game Maker lol which was really basic but was still fun
I also created a few text games in C++
but due to alot of things happening in my life I stopped programming and stuff at like 17 or 18 and dropped out of college :/
Now though I really want to get back in to games deleopment
I have programmed a little on PHP and I have created games on the "Games Maker Studio"
but I wanted to ask if any of you nice people could help me to find really good tutorials that will help me learn how to program in C++ again and...
basically I think I need to start learning everything from the begining again about making games
if any of you can give me advice and show me where I can go to learn And help me find good "Free" software it would help me out loads thanks
and any other advise you have would be much apreciated Thanks!
also on a side note
I wanted to know if any dyslexics here find it easier to read code than text Like me