
oxygene consumption

Started by September 25, 2013 12:26 PM
13 comments, last by VladR 10 years, 11 months ago

I noticed that when I code few hours I usually feel strong need for a two things - sugar (mostly some chocolate) and oxygene. Need for sugar is somewhat mentioned often that brain do need a sugar to work but I alfo find that I need an oxygene and usualy take a 20-30-40 minut walk in the mid of the day (it is very nice then) I am corious if many prorammers found it such way to, need to breath in the mid of the day ?

I looked up the word “oxygene” thinking it might be a British spelling of “oxygen” (and it’s not) and I discovered that “Oxygene” is actually a programming language.

On this forum that might actually apply.

But either way, my answer is No.

I do not need to take a walk to brush up on my Oxygene skills nor to breathe better.

However I do get up from my desk every 20-30 minutes and walk around for about 4 minutes, not to gain oxygen or to enhance my Oxygene skills, but to reduce the risk of heart-attack.

Men’s health: Sitting all day makes you die young.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!


I looked up the word “oxygene” thinking it might be a British spelling of “oxygen” (and it’s not) and I discovered that “Oxygene” is actually a programming language.

On this forum that might actually apply.

But either way, my answer is No.

I do not need to take a walk to brush up on my Oxygene skills nor to breathe better.

However I do get up from my desk every 20-30 minutes and walk around for about 4 minutes, not to gain oxygen or to enhance my Oxygene skills, but to reduce the risk of heart-attack.

Men’s health: Sitting all day makes you die young.

L. Spiro

Well I met a programmer fellows who seem to nod need that, It feel strange to me because I need it much, this is not to breath better but some kind of demand like sugar

(and oxygen is really important to me It is not so much sunny weather I need - but 'oxygen weather' - I would sold sunny day for oxygene one:/)

Oxygen is of course important.

This summer in Japan was a record high in temperature, and as a result I became so dehydrated that I collapsed at a local restaurant and was sent to the hospital.

Dehydration causes less oxygen flow.

Lack of oxygen could be a sign of any number of problems with your health. In my case it was dehydration, but you should probably get checked at a local hospital.

I mean I know oxygen makes us all comfortable, but I’ve never heard of anyone who is so low on oxygen that the act of programming depletes him or her. If you need oxygen to program, it likely means you are already dangerously low on oxygen distribution as it is, and you should probably get that checked.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

Check your posture as you're coding as well. If you sit hunched forward, you can actually be compressing your chest cavity and reducing your lung capacity. Sit up straight with your shoulders back while you code and see if it helps your oxygen lack.

No, programming gives me energy, if im not programming or doing something constructive im tired or sluggish


Warning: programming in a low-pressure environment may be detrimental to your health. Please consult with your doctor before programming at elevations above 8,000 feet, within an active hypobaric chamber, or aboard a spacecraft currently undergoing during explosive decompression.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Warning: programming in a low-pressure environment may be detrimental to your health. Please consult with your doctor before programming at elevations above 8,000 feet, within an active hypobaric chamber, or aboard a spacecraft currently undergoing during explosive decompression.

heh, but for me breaths of oxygen are really crucial - if I am inhalated by good quality of air i think much better (but this is rare experience thanks to very bad air quality on the planet - as I found it is bad quality, maybe near to some big rivers or lakes it is better)

Have you considered making a thread about carbohydrate consumption, water consumption, whipped cream consumption, scrambled egg consumption, vitamin D consumption, clothing consumption, space consumption, good will of your fellow man consumption.......

New health directive henceforth requires all cubicles to be equipped with two oxygen masks and at least one window giving into a neighbouring cubicle, to improve airflow and productivity.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

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