What are good limitations for a playable demo version of an rpg?
For shooters, one free level is traditional. But open rpg's aren't organized into levels or missions per se.
The game in question is Caveman a rpg / person sim hybrid:
game description:
dev journal:
In the original version, the demo let you play for one game month, only included 3 of 50 types of animals, and could not load saved games. a few other features like artifacts and getting additional band members were also disabled.
I'm planning a public beta soon, and am creating a demo version for that purpose. the demo will also be the primary means of marketing the game.
this time around, i'm thinking just limit the demo to only playing games for 30 game days. its a rpg, so its all about getting stronger. limiting the game to 30 game days is sort of like limiting a regular rpg to 3rd level max, then the game ends. Obviously, any rpg worth playing, one will want to play more than just up to 3rd level. so for the true target customer, there would be plenty of incentive to get the full version instead of just playing the demo forever.
does this sound limiting enough? should i limit it more?