
Unity Level Design Software - What do you use?

Started by September 17, 2013 02:47 PM
0 comments, last by herbertsworld 11 years, 3 months ago

I am working on a side scroller akin to Golden Axe, TMNT, and the old Shadows over Mystara games. I'm looking at several ways to create my levels and was wanting feedback on anyone who has created a similar side scroller and was wondering what you used to create your levels?

I can use Unity itself, though I'm not sure if that's the route I want to take.

I can use Blender to generate a model of the level.

I could use the asset store and get Pro Builder but that costs $100.

Any advice would be welcome.

For more on my wargaming title check out my dev blog at

It it 2D or 3D Level Design you are after?

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