
Genesis3D Rules!

Started by January 14, 2000 10:04 AM
17 comments, last by Azrael 25 years, 1 month ago
I just downloaded jet3d which actually has genedit 2 in it, and I just have one hing to say: Wow! The genesis editor is unbeliable even without a 3d card you can check almost all the effects, you are putting on a level at realtime! I dont even have a high end system, I have a pentium 2 233 mhz, ant it works! Really cool stuff, the engine itself is neat, fast and with lots of effects, A bit difficult to understand at first but it really pays off! the results are very good and have commercial quality. and for once a 3d card, is really not required. Ok. Sorry about ranting like this... so Im a newbie in genesis3d (jet3d whatever), I have jet3d and Im downloading genesis 3d 2 right now. Is there a project around that involves genesis3d? I want to be in it! where should I start? BTW: what is the difference between genesis3d and jet3d? I understand they belong to different companies but they are basically the same, except that jet3d doesnt have sample code or documents, which makes it a bit hard to work with. (thats why im downloading genesis3d) but they both look free, cool and open source, anyone could explain? So where should I start?
Genesis3d v1.1 is the final release of the version one engine. It has its own editor, less superior to Jet3D but more complete. The genesis3d v1.1 api is also more complete and contains more docs then jet3d. The docs don''t cover everything however so you must read the api headers in include directory. Notice it isn''t necessary to read entire source code to the engine to make a game, only when you want to change the engine. Jet3d is the second version of the genesis engine and thus it''s totally different. I believe it''s written in C++ object oriented way, and doesn''t use BSP tree for occlusion of geometry like the version one does. Also, you can put actors into jet3d and see them in the editor, while you can only place placeholders for actors called entities in the version one.

The two engines from Wild tangent(notice WT second edition is not out yet only their version 2 editor) have different licensing. Their second engine will not be an open source engine and you have to pay them money when you reach certain sale figures. The jet3d by eclipse is the same engine as WT version 2 but was releases sooner and is not complete but it''s totally open source. Basically there are two version 2 engines WT and Eclipse''s. At GDC, WT will showcase their engine which will be in alpha state and will contain more stuff than jet3d and will have strong documentation, while jet3d will continue to be developed by people outside the Eclipse company, because eclipse will probably stop working on it. So if you want a complete engine go for WT, if however you want to tinker and add features then go for jet3d. In the long run these two engines Jet3d and WT game driver, will be different. WT will have support for curved surfaces, better terrain, etc. I believe. It all depends how serious open source people get with jet3d. Right now it looks like the open source people are just starting to understand/play with the engine. I am using version one(genesis3d) of the WT engine and when ver.2(game driver) comes out I''ll check it out. But right now ver.1 does everything I want. Hope this helps

yo the genesis 3d engine sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what i''m talking about...There are better and faster engines than this one
Maybe instead of vaguely saying: "GENESIS 3D SUCKS!!" you could actually give some arguments to support your claims. It seems to me that there are plenty of happy G3D users who would disagree with you.

Yeah but most of them arent free. Oxygen3d is from what ive read a lot better and faster than genesis3d but it also cost 40k.
yo the SigwarthSoft sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what i''m talking about...There are kinder and smarter people than this guy
Enix, that was funny Genesis3d is not for everyone, it''s mainly for people proficient in c/c++ and who have strong math/physics knowledge. Genesis has very good physics, animation, editor system of all free engines and it beats most of the commercial engines also. So far I am very happy with it. It''s great for people that are low on cash. For interested parties check out gtest and gdemo before making up your mind about the engine''s capability. Especially check out the "physics mania" level in gtest to see all those rotating/moving objects and interactions you make with them. Genesis also needs more powerful cpu if run in software mode, and works faster if run on 3dfx voodoo(1,2,3) accelerator compared to d3d one. Happy coding!

I was wondering if there was any comercial games made with That engine?
Sure are. Know the "barbie designer"(I think that''s the name) game that just came out, well it''s done in Genesis3d. I think it ranks higher on the sales charts than Quake3. There is also a commercial skateboarding game made with beta of this engine a while back. GSector, a free open source game is also made with this engine. There a few others but I forgot which ones. The upcoming WildTangent game driver or Genesis2 will be out soon and will have terrain support, vertex weighting, new cool editor to make your worlds in and other goodies. Best of all is it will be free (no open source though) and if you don''t exceed certain sale numbers or website hits per month than you don''t have to pay WildTangent for the use of their engine. Choose your pick

Whoa!, im glad to see I got so many answers to my question-btw, those who say jet3d is extremely buggy and has a lot of problems, is sadly right, the editor is totally awesome! but thats about it. nothing else actually works.
It just looks that they have taken the open source thing to the extreme, it looks like they are expecting us to fix the bugs, remake the engine, do the docs and build a few nice samples, and _then_ start working on our own games hoping someone didnt blew it while recompiling the engine, add that to the fact that there is an almost identical downloadable engine a mouse click away, and you have the blueprints of a very difficult open project.

However I think the most important answer is still missing,
Where is the best way to start in the genesis world?

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