ASengine->RegisterObjectMethod("SOMEVALUETYPE", "bool opEquals(const SOMEFUNCDEF@ &in)", asMETHOD(INTERNALVERSIONOFTHATVALUETYPE,operator==), asCALL_THISCALL);
There is likewise an opAssign method. Any of the following work fine in AngelScript, where svt is a variable of type SOMEVALUETYPE and f is a function of type SOMEFUNCDEF:svt = f;
if (svt.opEquals(f)) {}
However,if (svt == f) {}
does not compile, returning instead:WARN : The operand is implicitly converted to handle in order to compare them
ERR : Both operands must be handles when comparing identity
Shouldn't == work the same way as opEquals, like = works the same way as opAssign? It did in v2.26.3 (or maybe .2, not sure), but seems to have changed at some point since then.