
newbie's question

Started by January 14, 2000 10:03 AM
0 comments, last by jetcheng75 25 years, 1 month ago
Hi all, My company would like to develop a online gaming site for another company to make money. since i am new to this field, anybody can give me some opinions about what kind of languages they usually use to develop online games and what are the advantages and disadvantages by choosing a particular language? and what are those important and outstanding issues while developing online games? thank you guys very much. Jet
Well, a lot of it depends on the overall game design. Many people love the idea of Java as being platform independent, but it''s just to slow for any kind of real performance. (Also, it''s not as platform independent as Sun would like us to believe becuase of individual VM implementations).

In the professional gaming world, C/C++ is still, by far, the number one choise and with DirectPlay, you have a useful API to work with.

Good luck and watch that bandwidth.

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