I always have this problem with Reality when making a game mechanic.
For example, about half a year ago I wanted to make a small simulation game for a tribe (like Cultures/Settlers). I end up spending tons of time deciding how long each unit takes to grow up, age and dies.
The game takes place in the form of "day" and each day the units will go out to hunt/harvest/gather resources. This is okay, until I start on the lifecycle of units. I cannot possibly let a child grow up in 3 days, can I ? Well. I could, but Reality stops me. This is not the first time that I can't get past Reality. After some internal struggles, I got past it and tested some of the core concepts and kind of abandon the project because the prototype didn't feel engaging enough and some stuffs seems to be missing.
Fast-forward to a few days ago. I finished my last project and I thought of a way to revive that previous project. I started drafting ideas and putting them into code. I stumbled upon Reality again and I thought why not post it here and share the experience.
So this time, I had this problem. I want to allow people to gather nuts from forest. I decided to heck Reality and group all "nuts" into the same category. However, I want to provide some "educational material" to the players by providing different kind of sources to find nuts. For example, hazelnut, almonds , walnuts etc. I thought it would be cool to find informations and put it within the game so that players can learn about them. Then I wiki-ed and realize.. Reality found me again. Almond is not technically a nut. It is more like the seed of a fruit. So I could just put them as a Fruits source right ? Not really. People usually get them for the seed not the fruits, so technically it is still a "nut tree".
I kind of want to share this experience with others and perhaps get some feedback.
So anyone else faces this problem when designing game mechanic ?
Edit : In the end I decided not to mess with it too much and just stick to "Nuts tree" and "Fruit Trees/Bushes".