Sounds like the people are rising up and fighting back against the progressives. Good for them. I heard they lied about a carbon tax; raise your hand if you're surprised that people are angry at a lying government.
Before the previous election, the progressives were proposing a market-based trading system for "carbon credits". The conservatives suggestion was that this was too complex, and the simple solution would be to just put a tax on carbon. The progressives won the election, but had a minority government and had to compromise on all their legislation. The end result was the conservatives' idea of a simple carbon tax ended up being the one that got passed through parliament.
The Murdoch media then ran a scare campaign, about how the poor were going to suffer because of this new "tax grab", about how the cost of living would skyrocket due to polluters simply jacking up their prices and handing the cost on to the consumer.
Non of this happened though. The cost of living actually went down by 20c/week on average due to income tax cuts, prices didn't rise due to a diligent consumer watchdog, and polluters did actually take measures to cut down on pollution.
The truth doesn't matter though. Even up to today, Murdoch still reports that everyone is now going bankrupt due to the carbon tax, so yes, the masses are upset with this great "carbon tax lie".
Now would be a good time to mention that Rupert Murdoch has a complete monopoly on "cable TV", and a very-near monopoly on news outlets. In the year leading up to the election, they not once were critical of the conservatives, and went as far as completely making up their own facts and photoshopping progressives on Nazi, North Korean and Soviet bodies:
It's also worth pointing out that the progressives are not at all socially progressive any more. They've copied the right wing so much in order to get into power, that they're now a centre-right party, and the conservatives are a far-right party.
For example, the big bad guy that the media constantly brings up as our national boogey-man isn't Al Qaeda, The Terrorists, or Bin Laden -- our boogey man is "the boat people". These are people who sail in leaky fishing boats, mostly from Indonesia, over dangerous seas to try and enter our country without papers.
Americans would call them "illegal immigrants".
The big issue is that this is such a stupid and dangerous journey -- spending weeks in a boat that's 10x over capacity, starving to death, caked in your own sick, shit and piss, with a very real chance of downing -- that over 90% of the people that attempt it are found to be genuine refugees who are fleeing wars and political persecution (which under UN conventions that we've signed, means we have to protect them).
Australians aren't very happy about this (shown by the map above), despite the fact that the majority of our illegal immigrants actually fly over on holiday visas, and then disappear while in the country, and that "boat people" are actually only a tiny, tiny fraction of the problem. Those facts don't matter, we need a boogeyman to hate.
Anyway, because the masses hate these "boat people" so damn much, the current/now-previous "progressive" government created a system where the boats are intercepted by the navy, and towed to 3rd world pacific islands, where the "boat people" spend about 5 years of mandatory detention inside concentration camps, where they're starved, ill-sheltered, and subjected to violence and rape. After their detention, they're resettled in the 90% of cases where they're genuine refugees, and returned home in the other 10% of cases.
This is supposed to be a deterrent to stop them from coming. Nonetheless, they keep coming, and we keep building more island camps.
This is apparently the nice, soft, bleeding-heart lefty party. The "progressives".
On the other hand, the conservatives think that concentration camps are too soft, and would just have them all drowned at sea.
So, no. The people aren't fighting back against the progressives, because the "progressive" party are conservative. It's just that the conservative party are even more so.
Because the two major parties are so similar, there was actually a huge swing towards 3rd party candidates, which this year included a lot of Libertarian parties, and Wikileaks (Julian Assange didn't quite win a senate seat, but came close).
The main reason why many voters have flipped from "progressive" to "conservative", or centre-right to far-right, is simply all the lies that they're fed from Murdoch.
Those policies of intercepting and locking up assylum seekers? Murdoch says that these policies actually opened the gates for thousands of boats to flood into the country. It's implied that any brown-skinned or Asian person that you see in your neighbourhood, is a "boat person".
That time that Australia was one of the only countries to not experience a recession during the GFC? Murdoch says we did have a major recession. La la la la!
When foreign economists are praising our economic stimulus program that actually worked? Murdoch says the government is about to go bankrupt, and bring the nation down with it.
When Murdoch says that our public debt is at record levels, and the nation is at risk of collapse? The truth is we've got the 3rd lowest public debt in the G20.
When the government proposes that they should have an observer member on the media's self-regulation council? Murdoch reports that they are Stalin reincarnated and are trying to pass laws that will censor all newspapers.
The Prime-minister, while their party is officially against gay marriage, they admit that personally they're not opposed to it. Murdoch reports that they want people to be able to marry children and animals.
Part of the stimulus programme was to very quickly boost production by subsidising the installation of home insulation materials -- this led to 16x growth in that industry, and was a key strategy in avoiding a recession. Murdoch says this policy was a disaster because 4 workers died during that year. He doesn't mention that in previous years, there had actually been more deaths from accidents, in a much smaller industry. So in actual fact, safety standards were improved! Doesn't matter #insulationgate #fiasco #hatehatehate.
The icing on the cake is the NBN though. Our telephone infrastructure used to be government owned - the past conservative government sold it off to one company, who became a monopoly and a huge roadblock to any improvements to the infrastructure. Due to this stagnation, the current/now-previous government formed a new corporation from both private investors and some public investment, called the National Broadband Network corporation, who are in the process of laying fibre-optic cables to every single household, to provide up to 1GB/s Internet speeds, to everyone. To prevent a complete monopoly, they're regulated to only be a wholesaler (later to be split up), who will rent capacity out to ISP retailers.
Murdoch is extremely upset out this. Large parts of Australia are rural areas, long distances from the telephone exchanges, which means they can't possibly use DSL technologies and are stuck with really crap Internet connections. This is great for Murdoch, because he is partnered with the current telecommunications monopoly, where he alone can sell these people a "Cable TV" + "Cable Internet" package ("cable" in quotes, because it's often delivered via satellite).
Even in the metropolitan areas, he has a complete monopoly on "Cable TV", and only has to compete with online TV/Movie services, like Netflix, etc, in the small number of areas that actually have decent Internet capabilities (ADSL2+, etc).
The NBN is going to disrupt his businesses, by providing everyone with more than enough capacity to have these services provided via the Internet, and many different Internet retailers for them to choose from. This is apparently one of the main reasons he's completely backed the conservative government, with completely editorial bias in all of his outlets.
The 'conservatives' have promised to cancel the NBN project. They (and Murdoch) have been telling everyone that fibre-optic is already obsolete! It's a waste of money. No other countries would bother laying these cables. And the masses buy this bullshit.
Their "better" alternative plan (mocked here) is to lay the fibre optic to neighbourhoods only, installing countless cabinets (which require a lot of power) on streetcorners everywhere, which will then merge the fibre-optic backbone with the existing copper networks, to provide a slower service to everyone (DSL), at a higher cost, with a longer installation time-frame, higher per-consumer expense ($thousands out of your own pocket to connect your own home to the cabinet), than the NBN plan. Also, in regional areas, they won't bother laying any cables, and instead will just rely on 3G to give people broadband.
It's just bad on every level, but they can with a straight face tell us that it's better, because 80% of the media will back them up in these blatant lies.