Fates of Kings: Wow - right from the start I felt like I was listening to Braveheart OST. :) Some nice moods here. Kinda wish there was more low end in your strings to create that lush, Hollywood sound. There's some great writing here. 1:19 reminded me of LOTR OST as well. Although I really liked the first track I did feel like some of the segments of the song could be better connected to each other. What it felt like to me was chunk - slight pause - chunk - slight pause. To an extent the slight lift pause works when changing sections but if over used it can take away from the song's structure and momentum.
Cities at Night: Adore the start. Delicate piano over strings. Solid! It's great for a while but then my ear starts to get tired of the texture and wanting to hear something a bit more established. Could just be me but it started off so strong but over using the contrasting rhythms and such left the track feeling a bit... meandering to my ear.
Fields Run Red: Good rhythmic opening. Again, more low end in your production because on my set up I'm not really getting much. For a battle track I'm not really getting that big sound which I'm expecting. Some cool rhythms!
Overall: You've got some great music here. Good ideas, fantastic moods and settings. The biggest issue I'm hearing is the mix/production could really be raised several bars to bring the music to life.
Enjoyed listening to your stuff!