Hi all. I started my journey into AI board games with a simple tic tac toe (alphaBeta) implementation in java,and than i continued to the more challenging connect 4 game also in java. The latter obviously demanded much more time and learning , and my knowledge is a lot more because of that (and thanks to a lot of help from certain forum's members).
Now i am starting to learn some objective-C (and as a consequence some c) and i wanted to practice the language syntax with another little and not too difficult to program board game (chess was originally my next step,but it will have to wait for later). I so what can be more easy to implement than a tic tac toe game, but this time, in order for it to be a little more challenging and less boring, i though of making a 5x5 board tic t ac toe.
but i have some questions:
1. is it best to play for 4 in a row in 5x5 board? or maybe 5 in a row? ( or stay with the default 3? )
2. second, do you think that in case of 5x5 board it would be possible to have perfect alpha beta (full game search) in short time , i did it this way in the normal TTT 3x3 board, pure alpha beta without transposition tables,heuristic evaluations functions...nothing! but i wander if this can be done in a bigger 5x5 board.
Any more advices and insites are welcome :) thx!