
Body parts

Started by August 01, 2013 03:36 PM
12 comments, last by Stormynature 11 years, 6 months ago

So am currently mucking around with a rough concept with Dragonsoulj for a platformer game where the player literally uses parts of themselves as tools in order to progress through the levels for example: A player might tear out an eye and toss it in a direction to gain a viewpoint opening up a fog of war or extract their intestines for use as a rope to climb up a high section. Of course being only initial inceptions everything is up in the air as to how we fully approach this...for example do we incorporate a frankenstein approach by where you scavenge further body parts to attach to yourself or utilise as tools, can you only carry a certain amount of body parts in which case selecting the right ones might make navigating a level easier or perhaps as you progress through each level you scavenge your own body parts using them up as you push through endeavouring to make it to the other end.

What ever we ultimately end up with I don't's still early days. But the reason I am writing this post is to ask you for the following:

In what ways could you make use of your own body parts to create tools or interactable elements that might serve you in a navigating a platformer? Be outrageous (but clean).

Should I detach a leg and an eyeball and play golf? I look forward to your responses.

A crafting system would be nice:

2 Medium-size bones


2 units of guts


Magnificient crossbow of sacrifices

Then comes the dilemma of how many fingers you can use for arrows before aiming gets too difficult for it to be worthwhile.



So am currently mucking around with a rough concept with another on this site for a platformer game where the player literally uses parts of themselves as tools in order to progress through the levels for example: A player might tear out an eye and toss it in a direction to gain a viewpoint opening up a fog of war or extract their intestines for use as a rope to climb up a high section. Of course being only initial inceptions everything is up in the air as to how we fully approach this...for example do we incorporate a frankenstein approach by where you scavenge further body parts to attach to yourself or utilise as tools, can you only carry a certain amount of body parts in which case selecting the right ones might make navigating a level easier or perhaps as you progress through each level you scavenge your own body parts using them up as you push through endeavouring to make it to the other end.

What ever we ultimately end up with I don't's still early days. But the reason I am writing this post is to ask you for the following:

In what ways could you make use of your own body parts to create tools or interactable elements that might serve you in a navigating a platformer? Be outrageous (but clean).

Should I detach a leg and an eyeball and play golf? I look forward to your responses.

* roll eyes into area I want to see without being seen

* detach one arm to use it with the other to climb a tall ledge

* rappel using intestines

* use chest cavity to hide/store things

* detach head to elongate neck and breath in deep water

* break fingers to make claws


I forget the name of it but there was a flash game I played awhile back (maybe a year ago) where you disassembled your character and used your body parts to trigger switches by throwing them at a button or used them as weights to hold a floor switch down. Sometimes you would dissemble yourself so that you could fit through a corridor to make it to another switch. You just had your legs, arms, body and head though and there weren't any other pieces laying around you could pick up.

One thought might be to not limit yourself to human parts. Eyes or a nose from an animal might give increased sensory abilities. Claws might provide better attacks but limit your ability to work with other elements in the game.

You could make an RPG out of this, but instead of grabbing loot you pick up the interesting parts of the fallen boss and see how they work against the next one.


You could make an RPG out of this, but instead of grabbing loot you pick up the interesting parts of the fallen boss and see how they work against the next one.

Way too early to know what direction we end up in to be honest, but I suspect it will stay with a platformer style (with associated story to drive game along). One such story idea I was toying around with last night is: You are Frank, the original made man. You work for a mad scientist who has just finished creating his next great invention. The pay is lousy, the work hours atrocious and you are always ducking the diabolical shrink ray which is set on auto-fluffy rabbit defense mode. Unfortunately the scientist's invention is misbehaving and Frank find's himself on a fantastic voyage through the bowels of the misbehaving whatchamacallit in order to repair the damage before the world is covered in a sea of cute fluffy adorable rabbits....that explode.

There are a few pop culture references in there, so if not tongue.png

edit: meh forgot the most important part ----- I want more ideas -- be exotic - be creative -- be disturbing.....what body parts would you use and how?


A player might tear out an eye and toss it in a direction to gain a viewpoint opening up a fog of war or extract their intestines for use as a rope to climb up a high section.

Be outrageous (but clean).

You and I have very different definitions of 'clean'.

Learn skills by sticking new brains into your head?

Love it! smile.png

You could throw bones to distract dogs or similar creatures, or to lure them in a certain direction. Likewise, any random edible body-parts could be used as bait. Extending on this, toxic body parts (perhaps the appendix, gall bladder, etc.?) could be used to poison creatures or otherwise make them ill.

Blood (or any other fluids) could be used to write messages or leave trails.

Bodily fluids could also possibly be used to make surfaces slippery or sticky, either of which could potentially be beneficial.

A removable head could be used as a step to reach slightly higher places, could be thrown as a weapon, or could be bowled to knock someone over.

Teeth could be used as a trip-hazard or to leave a trail.

Skin could be used as a parachute or glider to slow falling, allow safely falling a longer distance, and potentially even glide through the air short distances.

Lungs could be inflated to provide a springboard and allow higher jumps, or as a floatation device to navigate water areas.

Hair could be used as rope.

Bowels or intestines could be used as a crude weapon, to shoot fluids or gasses at opponents.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Stick ears to walls to act as alarm triggers

Brain could be used to utilize items from the surrounding environment to do these things instead of cutting pieces of yourself with a chainsaw and suffering a horrible death.

The nervous system could be used for something electricity related. Grab the end of a major nerve and use it to zap enemies? (mentally exhaustive)


Produce a child and use it as a shield against goblins?


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