
HELP!!!!! Whats Wrong with DirectInput

Started by January 13, 2000 11:22 PM
0 comments, last by C++ Freak 25 years, 1 month ago
I am using the BOB game engine and I an making a shooting gallarey. I used this code to get the position of the mouse. DI_Read_Mouse(); // move the mouse cursor mouse_x+=(mouse_state.lX); mouse_y+=(mouse_state.lY); but when I tried to fire the gun in the program it kept on missing its targets. So then I made a BOB that would follow the mouse around. cursor.x=mouse_x; cursor.y=mouse_y; and when I executed the program I was surprised to see that the faster I moved the mouse the farther behind the BOB was. How do I fix this? I am using directX5.
Never mind. I fixed it.

Edited by - C++ Freak on 1/14/00 10:56:51 AM

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