
Other Linux Browsers?

Started by October 24, 2001 01:36 PM
14 comments, last by cyanide 22 years, 10 months ago
just curious but has anyone tried typing about:mozilla in Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator 4.7 for Windows 98.

You get this strange dark blue page in IE and this strange message in Netscape:

And the beast shall come forth surrounded by a roiling cloud of vengeance. The house of the
unbelievers shall be razed and they shall be scorched to the earth. Their tags shall blink until the
end of days.

from The Book of Mozilla, 12:10

What the hell??

[size="1"]----#!/usr/bin/perlprint length "The answer to life,universe and everything";
quote: Original post by cyanide
just curious but has anyone tried typing about:mozilla in Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator 4.7 for Windows 98.

Mozilla was the internal name for the NCSA browser that Marc Andressen developed while at UIUC. As we all know (), Marc went on to found Netscape... All current browsers use the NCSA Mozilla core.
I am testing Galeon right now and it looks pretty good. You can use F11 to switch fullscreen mode like IE does.
For some reason does the password manager not work at least not at this site.
quote: Original post by Obelix
You can use F11 to switch fullscreen mode like IE does.

Opera too. Galeon is pretty nice though.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
My favorite is Opera, followed by Konqueror then Galeon. I actually prefer the Windows version of Opera to Linux, as it somehow seems more...clean (and I don''t just mean anti-aliased fonts).

But I definitely like Opera the best, and I would recommend it to anyone so long as they can bear with a banner ad. If not, I suggest Konqueror which has the added advantage of being a filebrowser as well.
The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." - General Omar Bradley
My faves, in order are:

(o= erydo =o)

[" style="color: #ff0000; text-decoration:none; cursor:help;](o= erydo =o)[/email]

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