Code libraries I personally view differently. Since it's not gameplay related, and everyone builds up their own helper-functions over time, I don't think it matters.
It'd only really matter if everyone was forced to use the same language and same APIs, because then existing codebases would give an unfair advantage.
It's not a game engine - I won't use my game logic code. Just copy+paste the helper functions that I need.
But if person A is using Python and pygame, and Python has a bajillion standard classes you can just import,
And person S(ervant) is using C++ and SFML, and has his own library of functions which just cover the same ground that Python's standard library already covers: String to type conversion, file loading and parsing, point and rect classes, etc... I don't see the harm.
But yeah, I could make it available publicly before the contest begins like you said, and link to it in this thread. I just don't know what parts I'll need once the game is underway, and don't want to make the whole unstructured mess publicly available (unless I intend to sabotage others' projects
But maybe I could make an educated guess and release some general functions that might be of use to me and others for the contest.