
Peer-to-peer gaming networks

Started by July 08, 2013 04:35 PM
5 comments, last by Tsume 11 years, 5 months ago

I'm nearing the end of creating my peer-to-peer network, I now need to start with the testing it.

I will require several existing peer-to-peer gaming networks to compare my results to. I can't just conduct some tests and then compare my results to results found on someone else's paper as test conditions may not be the same. Are there any good peer-to-peer gaming networks that I can acquire, which are hopefully very easy to set up & use?

So far I've gotten VAST, though I have not been able to use it in Linux, it seems to work in Windows. I've tried Colyseus but it seems the network was created under a certain system. The packages required to run the system need to be a certain version & I haven't been successful in getting them setup correctly.

Thanks in advance.

There are no successful purely peer-to-peer gaming networks that I know of. The closest that has worked is peer-hosted servers, mediated by a central match-maker.

If those systems count, though, then you can compare to Xbox Live!, which is largely peer-to-peer with Live! matchmaking in the middle.

There's also the MIX framework used by games. It's kind-of small and indie, and I don't know how popular it still is.

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

Yes, hybrid systems as those you have mentioned will do. Care to mention anymore?

Basically for my test cases I'm going to throw some dummy messages into the network & measure reliability of message delivery, latency, fault tolerance & other factors. I'm not looking to plug in a real game at this point.

hybrid systems as those you have mentioned will do

Hybrid, in the sense that a central matchmaker starts up the peer circle, and peers then work independently of the central server, is pretty much all of the lower-count multiplayer games, and technologies that support them. Counter-Strike. Steam. Battlefield. Playstation Network. Quake. Raknet. The list goes on :-)

If you specifically require the elected topology of the peers to be a fully connected mesh, then I don't have a list of such games. I think the main reason is that most game developers do not believe the possible gain from fully-connected mesh peer-to-peer networking is worth the cost of doing fully-connected peer-to-peer.

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

I've still been searching online for P2P gaming networks & I'm failing to find any (despite all the research which has been conducted in this field).

I've thought instead of mindlessly searching for P2P gaming networks, I should rather conduct my research against P2P networks which have attributes which are linked to the requirements needed in a P2P gaming network. I need to investigate:consistency, fault tolerance, scalability, latency & availability.

Which P2P networks can the gamedev community recommend for me to use in testing? Each individual P2P network does need to have all of the above capability's but as a collection I can compare certain attributes to my network.

How about TeamSpeak? Is that P2P enough? It does require lower latency.

Skype used to be P2P for its voice chat, but it is no longer.

I would imagine a general IP phone service would also be considered P2P, because there is no "central server" that routes those calls once established.

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

Thanks for the suggestions, I'm currently concentrating more on JXTA

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