
YOUR Opinion About This Type of Gameplay

Started by July 05, 2013 09:29 PM
5 comments, last by SondreDrakensson 11 years, 6 months ago

Im currently creating my debut: A 2D Space Arcade game where you as a spaceship,

eliminate various enemies by pressing a certain button on the keyboard.

For instance, M to remove Missiles and A for Asteroids. Kinda like the old game "Typing of The Dead" only that in this game its not the main gameplay but a part of it. And this part, is the only part i want your opinion on currently. What do you think?

My goal is not to create a good game, but to create an OK acceptable game.

If you don't mind elaborating, if the removal of obstacles and other various objects in space is not your primary task in the game, what is? How does this add to the experience? What you've described (I'm sure there's more in your head of course) makes it just seem like the best course of action is to mash all of the buttons on the keyboard to ensure your own safety.

As you mentioned, Typing of the Dead proves that the style of typing things in to achieve a time sensitive goal is possible (And fun even!), but how are you presenting it that it's not the core mechanic, and is not tedious or ultra repetitive to achieve the best result/outcome?


You are a spaceship that have to survive 6 stages filled with fast-moving enemies, the difficulty is merciless and you only have 1 life. It is supposed to be this way, difficult.

Its a like a Sci-fi arcade version of Dark Souls.

Some enemies dont vanish when you hit their button, and these must either be clicked on or avoided and the player must self find out wich of these two actions must be done, in time before it hits the spaceship. Various enemies gives various points when destroyed. After the 6 stages, the 7th stage is the boss battle where you confront an enemy-ship. Here you must do a P&CC (Point-&-click Combat), wich means pressing the correct areas on the enemy-ship in right following to destroy it.

The joy in the game is to get a high-score, and to see how capable you are in this stressful and tormenting game.

To see if you are a player capable of surviving until the boss fight. To make you feel good and cocky

Since this is a simple gameplay, then of course the game doesnt include a story-mode and it only includes 6 stages to not make the game repetetive.

It is after all, an arcade...........where "smashing buttons on the keyboard" will only give you a deep-in ass-pounding angry.png

the design sounds fine.

sort of reminds me of an intense version of Galaga.

you will, of course, need to do something about that "mash all the keys at once" strategy. otherwise the game will be way too easy. perhaps check for and process keystrokes in a particular order, and only process one per "turn" (main game loop iteration).

the simple yet fun game play mechanic you described should allow you to not only get the basic game up and running, but also leave time for some spit and polish.

its one thing to get to the alpha test level of completeness in a game project, its quite another to get to the near-release level of completeness.

a smaller project will let you get to near-release faster. and allow more time for higher quality.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


the design sounds fine.

sort of reminds me of an intense version of Galaga.

you will, of course, need to do something about that "mash all the keys at once" strategy. otherwise the game will be way too easy. perhaps check for and process keystrokes in a particular order, and only process one per "turn" (main game loop iteration).

the simple yet fun game play mechanic you described should allow you to not only get the basic game up and running, but also leave time for some spit and polish.

its one thing to get to the alpha test level of completeness in a game project, its quite another to get to the near-release level of completeness.

a smaller project will let you get to near-release faster. and allow more time for higher quality.

yes thanks :)

Its also very important to remember what i said: My goal is not to create a good game, but an OK game

I have decided this to be my "career signature/motto".

Its very hard for all of us including me to see how difficult this game actually is to beat, by only judging from text.

This game is more like a prototype for this gameplay design as well as my own made genre P&CC.

Wich means, if this "game" gets acceptable scores (3/5) or more, i will develop full sequels with story-campaign and other franchises

utilizing P&CC and "Button-Combat Gameplay" variations.

hitting "M" for missiles and "A" for asteroids sounds very random to me.

Maybe you could use a more intuïtive mechanic, say you have 5 lasers to destroy incoming enemies, and the player chooses which one to fire by using the keys a-r-t-h-space(i just checked where i had my left hand) possibly giving each laser a distinctive qualities(double damage to asteroids, shockwave causing all incoming objects to slow down for 5 or so seconds, ..)
though then again, it would probably be less original.


I am happy to announce that this game is now available for free download:


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