Is it ok to 'steal' someones idea if they are doing a crap job of it?
I came across this RTS game on my Daughters android device the other day.
I love the concept behind it. But, in playing it, I find that it is slow (as I traced the game to be browser based), very buggy, poorly supported, poorly documented (well, no docuementation at all in fact...), no responses at all from the creator of the game in his own forum (the forum also hard to track down), homepage has next to nothing, not even his own game.
The Alpha, turned to Beta yesterday. The olny difference that I could see is that you are now sprayed with advertisments.
This guy has gone, the absolute opposite in the whole project than I would have gone.
Loving the 'idea' but totally frustrated by the handling by the solo developer, I was thining of taking this idea and doing it the 'right' way (my perception of right anyway).
Obviously, it would have to be handled delicately as to not be obvious that the concept is very similar, to avoid any litigation, etc..
I am sure my end result would be absolutely different anyway as my intention would not be to make a clone (more 'inspired by'...).
What are your thoughts on this?