I'd like to start by saying I tried looking around on my own as well as searching this site to find some good information on the topic. I couldn't find what I was looking for, and most of the results were extremely old posts (2000-2004).
Anyway, what I'd like to know is if there are any good sites where I could simply write an html file and then upload it to a free web hosting site. Everything I have come across has templates instead.
I'd like to teach someone how to make a basic website (just HTML... room to include php or a database would be great but not necessary) however I'm unfamiliar with getting hosting. I've made a handful of basic websites, but I was always given the hosting and I'm a bit lost looking for some now. All I'd really need it to do is allow me to upload files to display online.
I'd also be open to simple local hosting. I've only done it with Ruby on Rails, though I would not want to use something that overwhelming for a new user, nor would I want to bother them with the setup... so if there is anything much simpler than that it would be something I would consider.
Sorry for all the text. If anyone could even give small tips or point me towards more information I would appreciate it.