I have been thinking of ideas for a game that was text only that would actually be something people would want to play. I finally came up with something that I believe would work. Imagine the game is nothing more than you running a computer with an OS similar to DOS somewhere in maybe in the early 80s. You get jobs from people from some primitive form of online messaging to break into other computers for simple and complex tasks. For example one job may have you try to gather the user name and password for a specific employee in a company. Another may have you attach a virus to a specific file. Another may have you find dirt on a specific person by searching their past online messages. All of this done in text only.
Also I could have an online shop for buying new programs and faster computers. For example maybe you need to find a specific file in the hard drive in a computer amongst many folders. You could buy a search program that makes this job much faster. Another program could let you find a password as long as you have a valid user-id. A more expensive program can maybe let you find both the user-id and password. I mean the possibilities are pretty much endless. Better computers may allow you to perform tougher jobs quicker before you are "caught" or your location traced. If your location is discovered you may lose money trying to find a new secure location to work from. I can go on and on. What do you guys think? Would you play such a game?