Original post by bishop_pass
Qualify hits as to the type of damage they do: dehabilitating, severing, internal injuring, crushing. Each type of hit has a chance of occuring based on each player''s agility, armor, weapon type, skill, etc.
You can die of blood loss, trauma to the brain, shock, or massive internal injury. The more you are dehabilitated, the more easily the striking blow can be made to you. There really is no such thing as hit points.
this is the same as giving different body parts hit points, and not showing the player these numbers! a computer does not understand "slight injury" or "massive crushing death"; so, if a player was hit in the head the program itself would think:
HeadHP = HeadHP - RandomNumberBasedOnStatsAndWeapon
you can say you are being innovative and leaving out HP and MP, but in reality you are just renaming them, changing them to colored bars, or hiding them from the player completely.
an RPG without these stats is hardly an RPG (even the oldschool paper and pencil ones like D&D allow players to increase their stats with experience); you would play for 30 hours and still have the same chances of killing the bunny, or being killed by the bunny?
that said, i DO like your idea (although how to display these various HPs for each section of the character''s body without taking up all the screen space still eludes me)...
--- krez (krezisback@aol.com)
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])