Original post by Zaei
People will probably get kinda pissed if, say, all of thier characters are dead but one, and that one is at, say 10/100 HP, and they have to wait to pop a potion. Of course, "they should have anticipated.." you may say, but what happens when you are at 40/100, and the enemy gets some sort of critical hit, and knocks you down to 10? Now, instead of waiting to attack, you are panicking because you have to wait to get that potion, and that enemy gets another turn.
Or, you ran out of potions two battles back, and now you are waiting 3 turns to get your healing magic out... you see my point.
I''ll chalk this confusion up to my horrible explanation of the system.
When you fight an enemy, the same charging/wait times will apply to it. it cant just attack every time a level passes. if an enemy wants to use an attack, he must wait. if he wants to use magic, he still has to wait, and he also must wait if he wants to use a special attack..
of course, the enemy can use critical atacks, but he has to wait until level 4, and even then, there is only a 1 in 25 chance of it working (thats only a working number though.)
i found it a bit annoying that in most rpgs, the rules for you dont apply to the enemy. that was really annoying. and as for getting pissed you have to wait for magic, when you cast a spell in FF6, you had to wait a turn before it happened. Im just cahnging the order slightly. Now you wait till before you cast a spell, but it happens instantly.
FMG is my RPG
FF6: Cast, Wait, Action
FMG: Wait, Cast, Action
Now that isnt too bad.
FF8: Summon, Wait, Action, Vanishes
FMG: Wait, Summon, Action, Vanishes when you want or at end of battle.
so lets think, you guys keep comparing me to Final Fantasy, and then critisizing the way i do this, when in fact, it is basically just as effiectiant as an FF6/FF8/FF10 hybrid.