Might I suggest a slightly different paradigm from walking around the ship? What about plan -> resolve -> interact
In a number of sim games I've played the each turn starts out with you making some decisions on how to allocate resources that turn and only when you end the turn you see the results. Emergencies can occur that are events that require your immediate attention but the rest could be given at the end of the turn and you have choose which ones to get involved you can only get involved in a limited number each turn.
Plan Stage:
- See blueprint of ship
- Assign crew to tasks
- Crew working together are affected by their relationship
- Choose Destination for ship.
Resolve Stage:
- See the results of the that turn.
- Dialog based interaction with crew
So for example I set tasks for today to be:
I assign bob and claire to repair the long range scanner
I assign sue to research engine improvement
I assign luke to build a laser pistol.
During the day the reactor starts leaking radiation the event pop up and I choose to send Luke in to shut down and the reactor he gets a heavy dose of radiation and power reserves drop by 50%.
Sue worked well at managed to finished 12 hours of research. But Bod and Claire fought only manged to repair 1% of the scanner.
I spent my interaction talking with bob and claire to try and resolve their problems. It turns out Claire is still angry about Bob cheating on her with Sue. Nothing I say improves their relationship.
At the start of the next turn I'm now losing power rapidly. Luke is dying of radiation poisoning and I know claire isn't going to work well with bob or sue.
I can reverse course to the starbase I passed 4 days ago so that Luke can get the treatment he needs. But power will run out in 3 days. Also if someone isn't working in the medical bay then Luke is going to get worse quickly.
Now that's a pretty complex example but you can see how it all builds from the decisions of the player. If you want try a demo of game that uses this sort of paradigm you might try Magical Diary Its not a great game but had a lot of potential. In it you plan out what classes you take for a week and then interact with different character which effects your relationship and status in school.