Hey guys!
It's obvious I'm extremely new to GameDev, but after flipping through the topics and spending a little time dabbling in the posts, I feel I fit to a T! Although, it's rather discouraging to see a lot of posts asking for ideas or help with games with only 5 or 6 replies... Here's to hoping that isn't always the case, because I'm about to jump on that train;
Enter SwagDungeon. No, that is not the real name of the game; it's only temporary while I work on it and shape it from a beta baby to an updated rockstar! I'm writing it using C# / XNA. I prefer using Visual Studio when I program, just because of the way everything is laid out. Ease of use and all that jazz. The game is intended for PC and Xbox 360, though I'm planning on keeping it geared toward the PC gaming community,
SwagDungeon can simply be defined as a Totally-Random-Side-Scrolling-Dungeon-Crawling-Looter. Everything from floor generation to loot drops is completely randomized; monsters, weapons, pickups, dungeons, etc. The player begins by picking one of four (an arbitrary number; subject only to increase) player classes, all of which specialize in certain skills. The classes determine which player stats will automatically get a stat point thrown in them upon leveling up (on top of the 2 [also arbitrary] extra stat points the player can use for stats of their choice). From there, they are dumped into the first "floor," which really just consists of a single dungeon, in which exists a chest that the player receives their first randomized weapon from. A randomized monster breaks through the wall, the player kills it, and they receive their first bit of randomized loot. Loot can come in a few different forms; there's ammunition (fairly straightforward; guns and bows need to shoot things), power sources (a little more abstract; each weapon is either powered by one of three power sources [also arbitrary], or not powered at all), grenades (nothing but fun!), harnassers (basically throwable objects that harness the power of the elements to do really badass things), and modules (used to upgrade weapon stats). This leads them to the second floor, where another weapon chest exists, more monsters are fought, and more loot is found. This goes on until floor 10, where the player encounters their first boss, which holds the coolest, rarest loot the player has found since starting the game.
This is the basic concept of SwagDungeon and as of right now, I have all the code for the core mechanics of the game (complete randomization, weapon and item generation, player, monster, and floor creation). I'll be honest, there's no clear direction the game is headed in, and stands to have many more ideas thrown into it... Therefore, I am calling out for assistance, help, and brainstorming to all those who will lend their intelligence. I am also in terrible need of a graphic designer to get the artwork for this game off it's butt. I have absolutely zero experience with spriting and graphic design and am therefore useless when it comes to the game's art. I have tons of concept art and lots of ideas for what I would like the game to look like, and I will post it below. I'm going for a pixel look, and a great example of the kind of art I'm aiming for would be the kind showcased in one of my favorite mobile games, Defenders of Texel (http://mobage.com/games/dot-defender-of-texel)
I unfortunately will not be posting any of the code I'm using for the game, because I am not sure how trustworthy some of the folks on this forum are, so I will simply stick to concept art and brainstorming notes.
Again, any assistance is welcome and encouraged, and those who directly assist me with my game will be rewarded (I'm thinking cameos in the credits, in-game appreciation, and custom weapon naming? [Contact me for other incentive ideas as well]). If you have any questions, comments, or ideas you would be more comfortable discussing in a private setting, email me at PorkchopDonut@gmail.com. Also, feel free to check out my blog to keep up with my updates on my programming (loganwillis.com). Thanks in advance and please, if you read over this, give me something to work with. A simple, "Cool ideas, bro" would sate my hunger for feedback!
Many thanks!
Logan "Sole Producer" Willis
My brainstorming notes:
Concept art for the monsters: