A few months ago a colleague and I began our first foray into game design. Since then, I’ve been joining sites like this and have spent hours reading articles. forums, and blogs. I’ve really enjoyed the process so far but now I’m coming to a point where I need some help and advice - unit stats. I’ve done a lot of reading about stats and balance over the last few weeks but, few articles seem to be able to give me an idea of how to lay my groundwork.
I’ve gone ahead and put some ideas together but, I would love to know if I’m on the right track or if I’m completely out to lunch with my stat / balance ideas. Any criticism or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Game Overview
The game we're trying to develop is a turn-based strategy that uses a large number of randomly drawn units - at times I will almost describe it as being collectable card game influenced.
In the game, the player attempts to control areas on the game board. Controlling areas earns the player resource, for which the player can use to hire units, or to equip items to hired units. Players win the game by eliminating all other players - by taking all of their areas, and eliminating all of their units.
Units are drawn into the players hand from a deck, and can be hired with resources earned from the game board.
- units can only be hired to areas under player control or to areas having a player unit already on it.
- units can only perform 1 action per turn
- units can only move to an adjacent area
- units can only attack enemy units if both are on the same area
Units are able to perform 7 actions in the game
Move – move unit from current area to an adjacent area.
Control – unit attempts to possess an area not already under players control.
Dominate – unit dominates area, in an attempt to gain a secondary benefit from controlled area.
Equip – add equipment to unit, enhancing stats.
Research – unit does nothing on game board, instead unit is used to help unlock additional equipment.
Attack – unit will attack unit under control of another player.
Defend – unit defence increased and unit hit points recharged an amount (based on unit heal ability).
In my game there are two races - magic users and mecha users; and four classes per race. I would like to have this reflected in the units created as well. My idea is to create generic “blueprint” units and then apply a “modifier” onto that unit to adjust it's stats into reflecting “X” race and “Y” class.
If I had the skill, another aspect I would love to employ is that, as a magic user there would be decreasing returns in relation to cost “less bang for your buck”. But, as a mecha user, I would have increasing returns or “more bang”. I think I might need to design two pools of units if I did that though.
My unit stats are going to be:
Attack – multiplier for all units attacks. Used when determining attack strength.
Defence – multiplier for units overall defence.
Intelligence – multiplier for all know-how related actions (research, magic, mecha).
Presence – multiplier for all control and Dominate actions
Health – amount by which unit can heal per turn
Strength – physical stack force. Used when determining physical stack strength.
Physical – resilience of unit. Used when determining resistance to physical attacks.
Range – distance from which unit can hit. Used when determining ranged attack strength.
Agility – ability to dodge ranged attacks. Used when determining ranged attack defence.
Magic – units magical ability.
Mecha – units ability to use technology
For actual actions, I was thinking this would be how they are affected by stats:
Attack Actions
Physical attack = Attack x Strength
Ranged attack = Attack x Range
Magic or Mecha Attack = Intelligence x Magic or Mecha
Defence Actions
Physical Defence = Defence x Physical
Ranged Defence = Defence x Agility
Magic Defence = Defence x Magic
Equipment Actions
Research (Gear) = Intelligence x Mecha) / Magic
Research (Magic) = (Intelligence x Magic) / Mecha
Equipping Gear = Mecha
Equipping Magic Items = Magic
Area Actions
Controlling = Presence
Investing = Presence x Intelligence
With all that, the “blueprint” portion of my idea is based off of the list found below. I equated each attribute to a cost, and then added in a cost change after a certain number of points is given to that stat. My idea is to create a list of all the possible attributes a unit can have at a given resource cost, and then keep the “relevant combinations” - those that have attributes that work well together (i.e. attack and strength). This would create my blueprint units up to whatever cost I decide.
For a base unit cost, I decided that a unit with a cost of 0R(resource) will have:
1 attack, 1 intelligence, and 1 Magic or Mecha (depending on race).
These base unit stats will be added to blueprint units created using the following stat cost outline. All possible card combinations are made for a unit with stats totaling 1R. Then again for 2R, and so on until a resource pool with sufficient depth and cost diversity is attained.
Intelligence and Magic
cost: 4
until greater than: 3
new cost: 5
cost: 6
until greater than: 2
new cost: 4
cost: 4
until greater than: 2
new cost: 3
cost: 4
until greater than: 3
new cost: 2
cost: 2
until greater than: 4
new cost: 3
cost: 2
Strength / Agility
cost: 2
until greater than: 4
new cost: 1
Physical / Range
cost: 1
until greater than: 5
new cost: 2
Lastly, I mentioned that there would be 4 “classes” per race. The classes each come with an additional stat modifier
Magic 1 +1 Agility
Magic 2 +1 Strength
Magic 3 +1 Presence
Magic 4 / Mecha 4 +1 Heal
Mecha 1 +1 Physical
Mecha 2 +1 Range
Mecha 3 +1 Intelligence
I know it’s not a lot so far but, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t completely out to lunch before I really invested serious hours. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I really do appreciate it.