Area 51
I was in a state of remorse when I pleasure drove from Las Vegas to Utah to iron out my emotions. There was something different about the drive. I saw a trailer park to the left side with a radar array there. To the right side of the highway there was A guard post with a bunch of cars lined up to enter. There was military guards behind a wire fence that wore masks. I turned around and drove through the trailer park for a little look. I saw a highway patrol car parked by one of the trailers. I just drove off back to Las Vegas. I think I was in some sort of shroud called "gun smoke". It was by the ATF gunnery on the highway. I thought about it and I think that was Area 51 because it was behind the US Air base. I laugh now because I think it is just the National Guard entrance. I do not think anyone here knows where the National Guard Base is in Las Vegas. I think it is in the Great Basin. That also reminds me that the rumor of the Janus plane flying people to Area 51 is false. People can just drive there. The Janus plane from McCarran Airport goes somewhere else. Stupid Channel 13 News with George Knapp. Those people that have a duty to their country go there every month by car. I do not think people will even know how to look for it. I just have this feeling because of long drives interstate are hypnotizing. Just remember not to cross the line at the guard post because it is not top secret but a restricted area. I think the people in those trailer parks got come good satellite television reception.
Area 51?
The Janet flights are real... it's way out in BFE, people aren't going to drive there even if they can. My understanding is a lot of families live in Vegas while the moms and dads fly out there for the week or whatever.
-Mark the Artist
Digital Art and Technical Design
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I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
So when you take everything else out it reads:
I think
I think
I think
I do not think
I do not think
I think
That's my constructive criticism: Do not repeat yourself, do not repeat yourself, and do not repeat yourself.
Way too many points to correct—minor ones ignored.
To the right side of the highway there was A guard post with a bunch of cars lined up to enter.
Don’t capitalize letters/words unnecessarily.
waswere military guards behind a wire fencethatwho wore masks.
Those people
thatwho have a duty to their country go there every month by car.
People are not “things” in the land of grammar. When referring to people, use “who,” not “that.”
I just have this feeling because long drives on the interstate are hypnotizing.
I think the people in those trailer parks
gotgetcomesome good satellite television reception.
My final suggestion is to stop using sentence fragments and simple sentences. Virtually every sentence there is either a simple sentence or a fragment.
Stupid Channel 13 News with George Knapp.
Where is the predicate? This is a fragment.
People can just drive there.
I just drove off back to Las Vegas.
I think it is in the Great Basin.
These are but a few simple sentences within the whole thing.
The excessive use of fragments and independent clauses makes the reading extremely choppy and difficult.
Most pairs of independent clauses should be combined into 1 compound sentence.
The excessive use of fragments and independent clauses makes the reading extremely choppy and difficult, so I would suggest that most pairs of independent clauses be combined into 1 compound sentence.
For example:
I saw a highway patrol car parked by one of the trailers and decided I should just drive back to Las Vegas to avoid any potential trouble.
L. Spiro
I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!
edit: to make this post less pointless, @L. Spiro, why do you write L. Spiro at the end of all of your posts?
I figured he was looking for critique on writing, copying latch in short-story telling.
I sign my name at the end of every post because, what if, man?? What if someone only sees a screenshot of the bottom of my post and my avatar and name are cut off and he or she can’t scroll up to find out who posted that crap?? What if, man?? Dear…God…Jim. I cannot change the laws of signature, captain!
Yeah my goal with being in media is to be a comedian some day. How’s my start?
In actuality, I am a major fan of consistency (hence the very detailed programming style guide on my site), and it would be nothing short of tacky if some posts were signed and others were not. It’s necessary on forums such as in which periods and spaces are not allowed, and if it is going to be on some posts it would be ugly not to have it on all posts. Consistency my friend, consistency.
L. Spiro
I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!
A question mark also functions as a full stop, and as such you only need one of them at the end of a sentence.
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.
There was a thread on reddit about a week or so ago, with a picture of someone doing... Extreme Ironing, out of all things, near the Area 51 border.
From what the guy said, there's a road that drives very close to it, and there are guards who will drive towards you in an attempt to intimidate you to turn back, but since it's not illegal to just drive down the road, they will just pull over an observe you if you don't get scared to drive away.
But why am I just re-telling all this.. here's a link:
Edit: and link to a bit of explanation from the same guy: