I'm thinking a bit about a simple turn-based combat system, nothing fancy but at least something out of the ordinary. It's planned to be implemented in a roguelike game. The game is based around a lower health means greater power mechanic, so the lower your health, the better your character performs. Health can never be recovered, only temporarily fortified.
First of all, there is no character stats. You do not have strength, agility or anything that really changes the combat. All weapons inflict the same amount of damage, but they work in different ways. There's four types of weapons; Short weapons, medium weapons, long weapons and ranged weapons.
Short weapons can attack any adjacent cell.
Medium weapons can attack any adjacent cell and the two cells next to it. It can hit up to 3 opponents.
Long weapons can attack any adjacent cell and the next cell behind it. It can hit up to 2 opponents.
Ranged weapons can attack any cell in the field of view. The first enemy on the projectiles path is hit and does not continue.
When you attack something, a random number is generated with normal distribution, with the mean at the base damage for all weapons. The two red lines indicate that everything between them is a hit and everything outside is a miss. These lines depends on the opponents armour class. The lower the armour class, the closer the red lines are to the mean and the harder the opponent is to hit. If the attack is considered a hit, the random number generated is the damage output.
The higher the amour class though, the more damage is reduced from the incoming damage.
Lets set up a scenario:
The character is using a medium weapon and there's two enemies adjacent to her. She attacks them and one roll is made for each opponent. She hits one but misses the other. Since there was two potential targets, the damage done is halved.
Lets say the damage output for the opponent we hit was 10. The damage is halved, so there's 5 damage sent to the opponent. That opponent has a high armour class so the damage is reduced by 3, the damage inflicted on the opponents health is 2.
Instead of having a lot of different weapons with different damage and magic attributes, the game features power-ups instead. A power-up might heighten the players damage in different ways (changing the mean and standard deviation in the damage roll), or increase the players effective health. You can increase your armour class by using heavier armour, this will of course make you easier to hit but the incoming damage is reduced more.
I'd love to hear your opinions on this idea, does it sound anything like fun? Will the lack or different weapons become dull and boring?