Hi Deeee,
lovin the zombies!
If you are looking for another outlet for your zombies please feel free to contact me at http://www.graphic-buffet.com. it's a straight 70/30 split.
speak soon
Hi Deeee,
lovin the zombies!
If you are looking for another outlet for your zombies please feel free to contact me at http://www.graphic-buffet.com. it's a straight 70/30 split.
speak soon
Hey Ian,
thanks, I'm glad that you like my art.
I know your site and your art and I love it. I just didn't know you are also taking other people's art into your stock.
I am going to send you an email...
By the way, I will add more characters soon, there are already some (non-zombified) soldiers in the pipeline.
There are 5 more characters available on my blog, no zombies this time:
Animated Soldiers - Jungle Troops
For more information and indie game art, please visit http://2dee-art.blogspot.com
If you submitted the zombie pirates one at a time, I would probably price them at $25 each to start.