
How do I align vertices along a arbitrary axis?

Started by May 16, 2013 09:54 AM
10 comments, last by Kryzon 11 years, 7 months ago

Sigh, the editor messed up on my last code snippet, it should look like this:

def menu_func(self, context):
    # Operators triggered by menus have their operator context by default set to
    #   EXEC_REGION_WIN. We need it set to INVOKE_DEFAULT to call invoke() instead of
    #   execute().
    self.layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_DEFAULT'
    # Create the menu button
    self.layout.operator(AlignVerts.bl_idname, text="Align Verts")
def register():
    # Add "Align Verts" menu to the "Mesh->Vertices" menu.
def unregister():
    # Remove "Align Verts" menu from the "Mesh->Vertices" menu.

Thanks for sharing.

I want to ask you where did you learn pythoning with Blender, and if there are any resources you'd recommend to the total beginner (good how-to guides, articles etc.).


To answer my own question, after getting more around the Blender Foundation website you can find their Python guides:

There must be several more sources (articles, tutorials, forums etc.) if you Google around, but the above one is the most "official".

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