Quick sketch of my idea. Yay for MS Paint!
I feel a bit mindblown by this.
Wouldn't just dragging the items individually into each pool be easier?
What kind of device are you building this for? I was assuming you are building for desktop (keyboard and mouse).
Currently so, but it would be possible to port to an environment where you drag (mobile).
What is the range of the variables? 10s, 100s or 1000s of units to manipulate?
From 0 to approx 1000.
You select the variables (x) you would like to manipulate and then spin the "wheel" below.
I agree it adds some "fun" in manipulating it.
? It's the simpliest system possible... Old Settlers used it: http://imageshack.us/f/337/settlers.jpg/
Totally misunderstood your original statement :)