Don't think I saw a topic on this, though I'm sure many of you are aware of it.
There's a video of a demo for it here: ">
So, I'm curious what people think?
I've been finding it hard to get excited about new tech over the past couple of years (at the old age of 25...), but this was one of the few products I think I really found interesting. There's a bunch of cool things I can see with this - especially since it scans your environment and uses that as a backdrop for some effects. I can see games designed specifically to take advantage of that.
However, I'm also a PC gamer, being either too poor, or not stable enough in my living arrangement, most of my life to have both a console and a computer (and I need a computer more).
have a desk with a monitor and a chair sitting in front my bed. My monitor can double as a TV, so plugging in a console shouldn't be a problem, but this setup requires the user to sit back behind the projector for the full effect.
Do a lot of you guys who play consoles, play in a manner similar to what's shown in the video? Where you sit on the couch, maybe six feet from the TV to play consoles? I know some people, especially those without 40"+ TVs don't do that, and usually are quite close to their TVs. Hell, I even have a friend who owns a 42" TV who has it slapped on a desk and still sits close to it, almost as close as a regular monitor.
This is on top that any extended video game FoV, as they show, can give people motion sickness, and/or headaches (at least so I've read).
The playing a movie demo they showed also requires a dual cam to capture it.
I also wonder how much more effective this is than just buying a projector screen? Or using your large, white wall (not uncommon) to play movies or games on it? I briefly had a setup like this while I temporarily had a project - using a large white wall to play movies.
So, thoughts? Opinions? Also, this semi-innovative thing comes from Microsoft - so.. hatred? :P