players can build kingdoms in a pvp/pve action rpg inspired by mirrors edge, dark souls, wurm online, final fantasy, elder scrolls and many other games.
starting from a one man camp to a metropolis how could a player build a succesful city that doesnt end up as a ghost town or seem unrealistic? transportation and logistics is a major concept in the game i am designing. and travelling between cities could take days. travelling alone at night would be slow and dangerous. the player cao build a campfire in order to rest and gain helpful buffs. as well as keeping away potentially dangerous creatures and animals, but making an easy target for other players and bandits. players can also buy or make tents which can be set up at a campfire for additional protection and buffs. some serving as a simple one man shelter or a more permanent outpost, and take time to set up or take down. they could also be attacked and destroyed, making them a risky investment. getting into pvp and playermade towns and structures, they make an important stepping point. after setting up a large tent you could begin creating a mine (mines would work similar to wurm online) for resources. the player could mine solo or pay npcs to work for them, in hopes that the mine provides a greater profit. eventually the player could build (or hire others to build) permanent houses and structures which other citizens would flock to as long as at least say 90 percent of the population was employed, eventually becoming a village, growing to a city or kingdom, which could be sieged by other player and npc kingdoms or raided by bandits.
Do you personally like this idea? why or why not? what would you change. can you think of any jobs and structures that could be built that would affect the town?