hi, I'm currently developing a chess engine in c++ (here is the github repository: https://github.com/crybot/NapoleonPP), it is called NapoleonPP (probably i will change the name...) and it is based on magic bitboards move generation.
I've recently completed move generation which i think is fast enough (it can calculate perft 6 in about 1,2 seconds without special improvements like threading or transposition tables) . So I started working on search and evaluation, my primary goal was to build a nice search function so i just created a very simple evaluation function that takes care only of material, movement of some pieces and center control.
Now i'm stuck...
I tried to play with the program, and i must say it plays a discrete chess, but it is sooo slow... at some point it takes more than 10 seconds to search under ply 6...
what i need now is to know what to do first to improve my engine speed.
I need to implement move ordering (by now i search first captures and then non captures), Null move pruning, pv-search, principal variation extraction, iterative deeping, transposition tables(actually i've implemented transposition tables, but i didn't see benefits on speed, maybe i did something wrong? ), ecc.ecc.
If someone could direct me to the right way (maybe with description and some resources on the argument) I would be very happy.
Here is my actual search function:
int Search::search(int depth, int alpha, int beta, Board &board)
int bound = Alpha;
int score;
if((score = board.Table.Probe(board.zobrist, depth, alpha, beta)) != TranspositionTable::Unknown)
return score;
if( depth == 0 )
score = quiesce(alpha, beta, board);
board.Table.Save(HashEntry(board.zobrist, depth, score, 0, Exact)); // should i save leaf nodes??
return score;
int pos = 0;
Move moves[Constants::MaxMoves];
BitBoard attackers = board.KingAttackers(board.KingSquare[board.SideToMove], board.SideToMove);
if (attackers)
MoveGenerator::GetEvadeMoves(board, attackers, moves, pos);
MoveGenerator::GetAllMoves(moves, pos, board);
BitBoard pinned = board.GetPinnedPieces();
for (int i=0; i<pos; i++)
if (board.IsMoveLegal(moves, pinned))
score = -search(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, board);
if( score >= beta )
board.Table.Save(HashEntry(board.zobrist, depth, beta, 0, Beta));
return beta; // fail hard beta-cutoff
if( score > alpha )
bound = Exact;
alpha = score; // alpha acts like max in MiniMax
board.Table.Save(HashEntry(board.zobrist, depth, alpha, 0, bound));
return alpha;
Here is Transposition Table Code:
TranspositionTable::TranspositionTable(unsigned long size)
Size = size;
Table = new HashEntry[size];
void TranspositionTable::Save(HashEntry entry)
HashEntry* hash = &Table[entry.Hash % Size];
hash->Hash = entry.Hash;
hash->Score = entry.Score;
hash->Depth = entry.Depth;
hash->Bound = entry.Bound;
int TranspositionTable::Probe(ZobristKey key, int depth, int alpha, int beta)
HashEntry* hash = &Table[key % Size];
if (hash->Hash == key)
if (hash->Depth >= depth)
if (hash->Bound == Exact)
return hash->Score;
if (hash->Bound == Alpha && hash->Score <= alpha)
return alpha;
if (hash->Bound == Beta && hash->Score >= beta)
return beta;
return TranspositionTable::Unknown;
I made some test, in particular i calculated kNodes per second by incrementing a variable every time i call alphabeta and quiesce:
I got about 3000-4000 kn/s using 32 MB for the transposition table (even if it does not make almost any difference).
My system configuration:
O.S.: Arch linux 64 bit (xfce)
CPU: Intel i5 760 2.80 Ghz (Quad core)
It is fast enough? I'm average with other non professional engines?
Any advice is welcome.
thanks all