I've been part of the gameDev community for some time now, and I love it. Everyone on here is so helpful and very rarely ever gives bad advice or does the usual "read more tutorials" response, and if it is used, links and advice are followed.
I recently joined another forum to get some more information and I can honestly say that I hate the community there. The only good thing I can say about it is that I get responses to my questions usually within 5 minutes of posting the question. Most of the responses, however, are something along the lines of "Your code is messed up in so many ways, go back and relearn the language". I do get answers to my questions, but not without sifting through a lot of bullshit responses from coders that are better than you.
To me, the point of forums is to learn from your mistakes. I don't see the point in negatively criticizing someone if you're not going to at least point a link to a tutorial or give them some advice.
But that's just me rambling. How does gamedev compare to your experiences on other forums?