
Wish-lists of games developers

Started by April 07, 2013 11:24 PM
10 comments, last by JonathanJ1990 11 years, 5 months ago

I would like to get your view on what you consider the most time-consuming steps in games development and what you think adds the most value in your games but might be difficult to achieve.

Development stories from the community are also much appreciated.

I would have voted for "In-game environment" under things that could advance a game to the next level but are challenging to add (last two categories). When I'm trimming a game design down to something manageable to implement, 3D interactable environments are usually the first thing that gets cut down to 2D non-interactable environments. I did vote for AI in these two categories; specifically the AI that I think of as cool but too expensive to develop is the kind that controls character animations in 3D games like Spore and Sims 2/3.

I also would have voted for better story as a thing that could advance many games to the next level (though not my games specifically).

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.


I'm an hobbyist indie developer trying to go commercially indie.

What do you consider the most important in a game?
Atmosphere and exploration - depends on personal taste

Followed by world background and character plot
[Edit:] Ofcourse, this is after gameplay, as ApochPiQ mentions below. I'm assuming the 'game' part of the game is actually enjoyable.

What takes the most time during development of your games?

What could advance your games to the next level?
Good art and music and sound effects

I'm rather perplexed by this poll.

Where's the options for "enjoyable gameplay"?

That, and nothing else, is what is most important in games. It's also the hardest part.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
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Where's the options for "enjoyable gameplay"?

That, and nothing else, is what is most important in games.

... and therefore its "selected by default". As its kind of the mandatory answer there is no point in adding it to the poll, is there? wink.png

Edit: In general, "game concept" should cover "enjoyable gameplay" as the concept should make sure the game is fun to play.

I must agre with ApochPiQ. I've been developing a 3D game for a while now. The quality of the graphics has gotten a lot better and so has the music and AI, but there's still something missing. That's why for me, the most challenging that has to be making the game fun. I've been trying to figure out what I've been missing. Maybe I need to try to tap the players emotions more.

I'm sure most have played games with incredible art and sound, but it was at the same time incredibly boring. Btw, I'm not saying my game has incredible art.

Learn all about my current projects and watch some of the game development videos that I've made.

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"You must cast your vote in each question of the poll." :/ I would have preferred to have answered for the first question only, the others were very balanced and really didn't need any answers checked.

Anyway a good game for me is something challenging, has a great storyline (think Eternal Darkness, Tales of Symphonia etc) and has great music (WoW for example).

I am more into MMOs than anything and stopped playing games hardcore years ago, sadly too many games are dumbed down and mimic WoW in the worst possible way, sometimes I think the people in charge of decisions only got to the position they are in by having a lot of shares in the company.

"You must cast your vote in each question of the poll." :/ I would have preferred to have answered for the first question only, the others were very balanced and really didn't need any answers checked.

I agree that all aspects are important to a game. Anyhow, I am interested in personal views and flavours on the topic especially what developers find personally the most challenging.

most important:

probably a reasonably well-implemented game, that also has good gameplay.

basically, if the game is buggy/broken/... this isn't really good.

nor is having things sufficiently kludged and brittle that things barely work as-is.

programming and artwork tend to take up a big chunk of the time IME (though in my case, programming tends to dominate).

the main thing that is lacking:

that the gameplay doesn't suck...

but, it is sort of a mystery of "how will I best go about making things better?...".

basically, it is a problem of sucky gameplay and boring worlds...

Rather than "stunning graphics" I would have gladly settled for "adequate graphics" in my games :)

I can make fairly entertaining games without much difficulty, but I have no talent whatsoever at graphical design.

"You can't say no to waffles" - Toxic Hippo

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