
Wish-lists of games developers

Started by April 07, 2013 11:24 PM
10 comments, last by JonathanJ1990 11 years, 5 months ago

Rather than "stunning graphics" I would have gladly settled for "adequate graphics" in my games smile.png

I can make fairly entertaining games without much difficulty, but I have no talent whatsoever at graphical design.

yep, but sadly one man's "adequate" is another man's "horrid"...

I tend to try mostly for "adequate" in the sense that "the scene looks like what could be reasonably expected", but some other people see this as being fancy.

"why do you need real-time lighting and shadows?" "so that I don't have to deal with lightmaps, and shadows to stop light from going through walls..." (and ray-cast vertex lighting doesn't really look very good, and isn't really faster enough to really justify it). "why not render everything fullbright?", "seriously?!".

(so: the problem, what seems adequate to one person seems horrid to another, and seems overly elaborate to another...).

I hate when games have great concepts and fail in execution. One of my favorite games from IO interactive was freedom fighters I think it was a pretty solid game all around about what an invasion by russia on american soil would look like and have enjoyed beating it twice jsut because of how much I love it. So when I heard about the concept of Turning point fall of liberty: which took place in an alternative WW2 where the Axis and primarily the Nazis invaded and controolled america I was ecstatic....unfortunately the game was terrible. great concept and I even love the intro news reels that show history diverged and lead to his scenario but the game itself was terrible .

I think situations like that where a good concept is executed terribly are the worst , because in order to have a good concept or story at least someone put effort and time into thinking it through but for the game mechanics themselves to fail it makes the othr qualities of such a game seem Irredeemable .

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