Btw: how do you address the activity if the player has no skills at the begining? I mean clicking to stone can mean anything from picking to attacking the stone.)
Default input mapping is similar to Oblivion, left mouse button is draw/attack/shoot. spacebar is "select" or "interact" if you will. the selection point is about 3-5 feet in front of the player, and does not currently use a ray pick. when you select something, a menu of actions appears. if you select nothing, the "general actions" menu appears, actions you can do anywhere, anytime.
So for example, when you move into a map square (a 5x5 mile area) that has rocks terrain flag set (rock outcroppings present), it draws lots of big rocks everywhere that you can select with the space bar. when you do you get:
void rocksmenu()
int i;
Zaddmenu("Find anvil stone");
Zaddmenu("Find boiling stone");
Zaddmenu("Find bone grinding stone");
Zaddmenu("Find cool rock");
Zaddmenu("Find flint");
Zaddmenu("Find gahmuh roots");
Zaddmenu("Find grinding slab");
Zaddmenu("Find grinding stone");
Zaddmenu("Find lodestone");
Zaddmenu("Find one handed stone hammer");
Zaddmenu("Find pigment rocks");
Zaddmenu("Find sling stone");
Zaddmenu("Find stone grinding stone");
Zaddmenu("Find throwing rock");
Zaddmenu("Find two handed stone hammer");
Zaddmenu("Find wood grinding stone");
Zaddmenu("Gather stone");
Zaddmenu("Learn pathfinding");
Zaddmenu("Learn stonelore");
then you pick an action, and your caveman starts doing it. or you get a message saying you need skills, tools, parts, or whatever.
This way the player would not be flooded with a huge amount of skills as he is "forced" to soak the complexity continuously and yet he or she can feel the advancement.
this has never really been an issue for some reason. skills are there, you can pull up the list and go "Cool! look at all this stuff!", but then you go back to playing, and only really think about them when you're lacking the minimum experience for some action. and it looks like that will go away for simple actions like picking berries, perhaps for all actions.
while the simulation is very in depth, the interface has been purposely kept pretty simple. wasd to move, mouse to look around, space to select, esc for ingame menu (from which you can view everything), sneak mode (ctrl), cimb mode (c), continuous move (q), jump (e), sheath weapon (f), walk/run (caps), sprint (L shift), game speeds (1-4), hotkeys for stuff you can view from the ingame menu (F2-F6), F1 help, and TAB for next band member. thats it. very first person shooter type interface. all the "sims" type actions are triggered by selecting things, just like placing demolition charges in Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, or pressing buttons in Doom 2, or opening doors in Oblivion. but most things you can select have a whole menu of actions, not just one action, like opening a door. its more like the sims where you select and object and get a list of interactions possible with that object. you pick an action from the menu with the mouse pointer, then the popup menu and mouse pointer disappear, and you're back in first person shooter mode. action menus tend to be broad, but not very deep. Most are only one level deep. the worst case is something like "general actions - make hand weapons - spears - wood spear".
due to the depth of the simulation, a "caveman-o-pedia" is planned, along with object and animal database viewers.
In the other words the character should be prepared with his skills for his starting location to survive.
In the original version of the game, you started with a just loincloth.
In this version, i'm thinking two possible starting scenarios:
1. just of age, sole survivor of a raid, no skills, no gear, no friends or family. same as in the first version.
2. just of age, leaving home to make it on your own. some skills, some gear, family and friends to trade with, etc, some explored territory already.
I'm also thinking of having a "survival score" that rates how well you're doing. Selecting the easier starting scenario would have a negative impact on your survival score.
I'm also thinking of enabling all the testing "cheats" in the game in the final version, and making their use also negatively affect one's survival score.
The one concession i have made so far when it comes to the player being ready to take on the world is that i start the game at day 90 of year zero (time is measured from start of first band member). this means its early spring, and they have 9 months to prepare for winter.
Even though at the moment you still start out with just a loincloth, its not too hard to survive at first. sure you die every now and then, but after a little while you find basic food and water, and can start concentrating on making/finding tools and weapons.
The demo for the previous version was a playable tutorial that took you from just a loincloth to making a stone knife and killing and butchering animals. the map was hard coded to guarantee success. this seemed to be plenty to ease the player into the gameplay style without a very steep learning curve.
in fact, once you learn to walk up to stuff and hit the spacebar, you know pretty much all you need to know to play. anything you can do, its right there on the menu. and if you don't have something you need, it tells you.
if you want to learn more about how something works, thats what the "caveman-o-pedia" is for. but you definitely don't need to read it to play. everything can be figured out by simply interacting with the environment.
the only weakness is when you need something, and don't know where to find it, such as some type of plant that only grows in scrub terrain for example. so you know you need this plant, but you don't know its only found in scrub terrain. then the only options are to look it up in the caveman-o-pedia, or wander around the world selecting stuff until you find it. haven't figured out what to do about that one yet. fortunately, there are only a few objects like that. most plants can be found in at least half the environments now, so i think psychotropics may be the only thing left like that. and in that case, its not a big deal.