Since the game is in early development, there's bound to be some rough areas, so don't get discouraged by my feedback! It isn't meant as an insult towards you, but rather as constructive criticism on areas that might need polish. It's really cool you got it this far, and it'd be a real shame not to take it farther still!
Also, disclaimer: I only played once and never made it out of the cave. ![:lol: laugh.png](
Not at all, i loveee! to hear criticism, because it helps me improve. Things that are fine to me, are irritating to others and its good to know.
Currently the difficulty curve is pretty steep. Its a nice outside world, but your lack of determination will hold you in the cave... for all eternity.
Hard to tell what was going on during the combat screen.
There is already made chat/battle log that displays everything that happened, but its somehow very broken as it drops 800-1000 fps to 30-50.
I am working on the problem.
5 dudes attacked me (I think?), I killed two (I think?) and the battle ended. What happened to the other three?
(Upon further playing, I realized that the other characters were my own team. Was kinda hard to tell initially. How about putting ally healthbars in green, while leaving enemy healthbars in red? Also having small text of the teammate's name over their heads would help. Just their short name ("John") without the class (not "John the Wizard" when over their head in combat)).
Oh, i didn't think about that it will be problem to difference ally from foe, i will revisit that and improve.
My spells - I need to be able to see them outside of combat, with descriptions.
In combat, I need tooltips to tell me which is which.
Spells are currently temporally there. (As you noted later in the post, you pick up barrel/chest and it say "Spell gained"... yes you picked up spell scroll that will allow you to learn specific spell(But item is not implemented therefore you get nothing
There will be pickup spells, and class specific spells
The warrior I had on my team wasn't able to attack bats, it seemed. But the mage was able to with his melee?
The mage seemed to get to go twice in one turn, but I might be confused.
I will have to put some kind of notation whose turn it is.
Also it didn't bug ever for me, that i couldn't attack. (If you selected (Rest) skill witch requires you to click on the unit taking action in order to rest (And you tried to attack enemy, in chat log there is a error saying you have to click on you self, but the chat log is turned off because its massive hog atm.))
In combat against three bats, the mage died, and then the warrior wasn't able to hurt any of the bats, so he died also.
Further, after the mage was dead, the mages "turn" kept coming up anyway, but using a spell
When unit dies, its round time drops to 0, and is excluded from being able to take actions or being able to take turn...
The double turn thing... SL = Spell limit, currently all spells cost 2SP to use. If your SP is less then 2 and you cast spell, the spell wont cast and unit only lose 25% of its round time and its turn ends. (That's why, it seemed the mage took 2 turns)
Error in console output: "Failed to load image './Files/Textures/Map_Grid.png'"
That is very bad from my end!
I made a new build, but kept data from old build.
I added new stuff, but forgot to add images and maps to the actual file i posted for download.
Also the game is in debug mode that's why you actually see anything in the console
again... my bad
I could accidentally finish with a character without all ten attribute points being invested.
I added tooltip at creation window (after clicking new game) that you should invest all your points. Guess, i will disallow add a message "Are you sure you want to continue? your units have stat points left, go and assign them!
When stepping over barrels, a number would show on the console ("37", "90", etc...), but I had no idea what that meant. At first I assumed it was gold, but I wasn't actually gaining any gold. (My gold stayed at "Gold = 10" after getting the barrels)
At chat log, its displayed "Oh this barrel was empty" "You found amount pieces of gold!" "You found a dusty old book" "You find a piece of equipment"...
If you get nothing, the barrel was old,dusty and most importantly empty.
I'd recommend:
Polishing what you have very thoroughly (not the graphics, but polish first the gameplay. Graphics can be improved much later in development).
Adding additional gameplay features before creating new content (content = enemies, areas, etc... while features = game mechanics).
That is a good tip, i did put a week intro graphics this week, because of i had idea to post the "game" before 1april.
More tooltip text on mouse-hover explaining things
More indicators to draw your attention to where your attention needs to be.
That is really an issue as you pointed out. It will be put high in priority list, thanks on the feedback!
I enjoyed the combat system, once I get over the initial confusion. It needs additional interaction I think! Maybe some kind of actiontest for melee attacks and magic attacks that help decide how much damage it does. But that's my personal taste.
I am thinking about implementing a quick time button "Space" that will speed up the round time fillup by x10 so it remove the waiting if its vs easy enemy.
I am currently thinking about revamping the whole battle system. What does that mean? will we lose the awesome battle system?
One word answer NO! (Making changes on what units can attack what units and that kind of stuff)Allowing for tank build.
Also slow moving projectiles that can be dodged(With move position action, If spell is casted at a square, you have some time to reposition if your turn comes up before it hits)(Example its 13.0 sec and a enemy uses "FireBall" on you unit. It will take 3.0 sec to reach that square, if your unit turn comes up, you can use a ability "Swap position" to move out off the projectile way and negating damage)
Thank you on your feedback and all other goodies!