Having never heard of this before, I have to ask, how exactly are the series tied in with the mmo besides the backstory and setting?
I'm not much interested in modern day scifi series, as recent ones have really disappointed me with being very soap-opera like, focusing on teenage angst, and personal drama, as opposed to... scifi stuff.
As for the game - assuming one isn't really drawn into the tv series story/plot, it looks like a somewhat generic third person shooter that just makes me go "eeeh". What I mean is, I don't know how much it will break out of the mold of third person shooters, and more importantly the mold of mmos, with a static almost never changing world that has some level cap which inevitably leads to just a loot grind.
Perhaps they're relying a lot on this tv series/mmo tie in to draw people as something new and exciting. I don't know how well that will work, I guess some people might be interested in that sort of thing, but I personally don't think the avid tv show watchers and mmo players overlap that much. At least, I am and will judge the game on its own merit, and for now it doesn't strike me as anything special.