
Why do game companies make quick cash-in games?

Started by March 23, 2013 11:10 PM
24 comments, last by cr88192 11 years, 10 months ago

I remember Reboot. That was one I really enjoyed watching! I should watch that again sometime.

Another one I recently rediscovered, because I couldn't find it on Youtube or anywhere else on the net, was Doom Runners (1997). It was the first full length film on Nickelodeon. I never got to see the whole thing because my mom kept interrupting and making me do house/yard work while it was on. After that, I never saw it on TV again.


don't think I saw it.

Oh, and that show involving puppets, that was Weinerville. It was okay.




I don't really remember it, much beyond vague creepy-seeming memories and not being entirely sure if what I was remembering was actually real...

turns out it was...

going back that far, it is hard to really know what is/is-not real sometimes...

then again, long term memory isn't really my strong area.

memories from earlier parts of my life are generally pretty much broken up and fragmentary (bits of imagery, ...).

lots of other memories are mostly imagery mixed with text, often degraded in various ways (sometimes faded out/unreadable, or with segments of random garbled characters, ...). (most of this text seems to be white-on-black, sometimes with colors, and generally using a fixed-width font). (but, yeah, no real need for trying to sort out the chaotic space that is my "inner-world", where globs of text and infographics seemingly engage in never-ending conflicts, ...). (actually dreams often sort of go this way as well, just where the normal physical world and the world of text and infographics and explode-diagrams and so on seemingly merges into a unified space...).

some other bits of memories are mostly images and short video-fragments, which is what this show seemed to be.

@cr88192: My long term memory is pretty good, so I have a knack for remembering things dating back to when I was 2 (ah, 198x). Sometimes my memories get garbled, but that's pretty rare. I'll never forget this dream that I had where it got crossed over with one of my memories of reality. To this day, I still can't remember where reality ended and the dream began. I even remember the various reoccuring dreams (mostly nightmares) I had back then. The evil blonde news anchor lady from 1987 was bad enough, the security alarm sensors that would trigger scary and horrific events that lasted from 1989 all the way until 1992, the dream about swimming in the ocean on a bright and sunny day with Batman and Robin that would turn out good or bad based on what I'd do or think as each scene would fade to black and turn into something else, and this dream with a stone, castle-like tower build with long, blackish dark grey vertical rectangular prisms, where nearly each of those prisms had a 3 digit number where at least one digit was a 6, or would sometimes say '666'. I would either walk inside the cave like entrance where there's no light but a few neon green glowing hieroglyphics along the walls (where someone would eventually grab me harshly on the shoulder), or I would try to climb the tower but never reach the top. Some of these dreams I remember are so vivid, it feels like it was just yesterday.

My favourite of those dreams is probably the one where I was Axel from Streets of Rage, but instead of beating people up, I was a rockstar with a huge, portable spiral stadium where I'd lead a band that plays the Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack in sort of a heavy metal fashion. During the concerts, we'd serve belgian waffles for everyone. I could even walk among my fans without them going too crazy over me. I had this dream about 3 times, until the dream where I retired and moved to the suburbs.

@BladeOfWraith: I gave up on TV years ago. Got so tired of the poorly drawn cartoons with really lame stories and junk. I know I was easily entertained by almost any cartoon on TV back in the day (including all of the shows you listed), but now, it's just ridiculous. It's like cartoons and TV programs for young people is no longer about entertainment but about social engineering. If there's one thing I've really gotten tired of is all of the teenage high school sitcoms with some dumb kid-like mentality worrying over things like who's going to take me to the prom, how to become popular so all the girls will like me, or what to do about the big bad bully. We used to have a few decent ones here and there, but I never cared for those types of shows, but these days the genre is worse where the girls wear the pants and the guys are complete pussywhipped manginas who desperately try to cater to her in hopes to gain her attention, affection or a chance to go to the prom or some nonsense like that. I hated high school, but I didn't waste time on trivial things like that. I cared more about finding a way out of NW Indiana, building what little C++ programming skill I had and pursuing a video game career.

The words to describe TV in general these days escape me, so I just stopped watching it altogether. Got tired of the weak storylines, bogusly unrealistic circumstances, overly used lame sexual innuendo, as well as the blatant and subconscious sexism (mostly misandry, with a hint of misogyny to be fair). Even the news is just mostly scripted and is filled with nonsense that maybe only a housewife would care about, like the time this black dog had white puppies. With things like a pending global financial collapse, end of private property, frequent infringement of constitutional rights (for Americans) and possibilities for war with other countries, they couldn't make better news than that? rolleyes.gif I'd rather spend my time coding and building my future. Now that G4 Tech TV, Sci-Fi and various other channels have just gone mainstream, there's no reason for me to watch them anymore.


...well, this thread has taken an interesting turn...
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

I remember things, more or less, going back as far as the early 2000s. I was around before this, but my memory is pretty bad.

most of my "active" memory seems to have a time-span of several months into the past.

not so good with "the future" either (like, beyond maybe a few weeks or months?... who knows?... usually I just do whatever and things seem to sort themselves out well enough...).

lots of other memories seem like dated event-logs and piles of text and similar (like, I seem to often make note of the current date in my memories, ... almost like "Captain's Log ..." or something, though absent is any memory of deliberate action to record this log, so this itself is a mystery sometimes...).

oddly enough though, I am usually pretty good at remembering lots of random information and trivia at least.

as for recent TV: yeah... most of it is pretty bad...

"Transformers: Prime" and "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" are ok though...

Never watched either of those, nor would I have any interest in either since Transformers was ruined by those stupid CGI movies. Hollywood ruins some of the greatest franchises. Can you believe I actually looked forward to that Doom3 movie?


Never watched either of those, nor would I have any interest in either since Transformers was ruined by those stupid CGI movies. Hollywood ruins some of the greatest franchises. Can you believe I actually looked forward to that Doom3 movie?


Doom movie was lame...

Transformers movies were ok, but the level of implausibility of the plot in the 3rd movie kind of ruined it, like in the sense of "there is no way this plot could actually work..." kind of way.

the show is still OK, though admittedly I am kind of more wishing the plot for "Transformers: Animated" would have been left to play itself out.

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