Demo like effects under DirectX?
Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone can point me to a site were one can find demo effect implemented in DirectX, I know DirectX front and back - but I need something to do with it? Please don''t tell me about alpha blending tutorials - give me some REAL source code... Hey, is there even a demo coding page which deals with DirectX and Win32 not the old an DEAD Dos?
Well thanx anyway...
// Babar Zafar
// Copyright (c) 1982-2000, Parents Inc
// Babar Zafar// Copyright (c) 1982-2000,
I think one of the other GDnet members has some stuff on his homepage, but I can''t remember, who it was.
Did you read the "The water effect explained" - article? It is cool!

Did you read the "The water effect explained" - article? It is cool!
if you do your rendering on your own, than it''s the same as under DOS. You lock the surface, render your stuff to the surface and it''s the same.
And you have your working plasma. Ok, it''s slow as hell and looks like shit, but you''ve got a plasma and you could do it the same way with other effects. Nowadays, many demos use 3d-effects and 3d-engines, so why not write your own using D3D and let a model walk through a cave ? You gotta do many things on your own, much stuff is undocumented and copying others effects sucks.
Graphix Coding @
Skullpture Entertainment
if you do your rendering on your own, than it''s the same as under DOS. You lock the surface, render your stuff to the surface and it''s the same.
DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd;ULONG* buffer;ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);lpDDSSurface->Lock(NULL, &ddsd, DDLOCK_SURFACEMEMORYPTR / DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL);buffer = (ULONG*)ddsd.lpSurface;for (int y=0; y<480; y++){ for (int x=0; x<640; x++) { UCHAR col = 127.5 + 63.5 * sin(PI/180*x) + 63.5 * sin(PI/180*y); buffer[x + (y * ddsd.lPitch) = RGB32(col, 0, 0); }}lpDDSSurface->Unlock(NULL);
And you have your working plasma. Ok, it''s slow as hell and looks like shit, but you''ve got a plasma and you could do it the same way with other effects. Nowadays, many demos use 3d-effects and 3d-engines, so why not write your own using D3D and let a model walk through a cave ? You gotta do many things on your own, much stuff is undocumented and copying others effects sucks.
Graphix Coding @
Skullpture Entertainment
Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment
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