Thanks guys! Yes, this is for the crossbones thing. I started a draft, which I guess entitles me to the Contributor ribbon...
I think the perspective/depth thing did drift a little bit while I was writing. I realized most 2D games simply dodge the problem of perspective entirely... 2D plat formers in particular are almost completely reliant on atmospheric perspective and parallax.The "Perspective" section is really about classical perspective (vanishing points, etc) while the Depth/Contrast section is really about atmospheric perspective, which is all about contrast. And that kind of contrast also ties into how to indicate what object are important and what aren't. Here's the screenshot I'm using as an example:
Also note the really sweet pillow shading on that bush...
Would "Classical Perspective" and "Atmospheric Perspective and Contrast" make more sense? Maybe have the Atmospheric Depth section closer to the end? Or separate it down further into Perspective (including foreshortening), Atmospheric Perspective, Contrast, Lighting/Shading?
As a non-artist who does my own art some of the time, I think what i struggle with the most is developing a scene as a whole as opposed to an individual asset. I can think of numerous occasions where I had a handful of assets that, on their own, I was quite happy with, but then I put them together in the scene and it looks like garbage. Trying to develop a consistent style across a wide range of characters, buildings, objects, scenery, etc. has often proved to be a real struggle for me.
Hmm, this is good. I think I need a section for "Consistency."
A tutorial on creating Animated Sprites, or even a program someone could create(Copy) in order to aide in creating sprites would perk up my already cheerful face (LOL)
Ha, I think a full tutorial on that will have to wait or this article is never going to be done. The basic idea of this article is to introduce these concepts so people can get familiar some basic concepts and have a better idea of what to look for when doing their own research.
I'd add names and categories of different art styles, which are needed when researching a style or advertising for an artist who can do that style. If I was being formal, I'd call it "Art Style Nomenclature and Phylogeny" lol
What styles do you mean? Anime vs Western Cartoon vs More realistic? I'm not sure I'll include that as a separate section right now but it would definitely make sense to talk about style somewhere...