given 2 points "a" and "b" in 3D space
b= center of a sphere always radius 1
I want to find vector direction "d"
The "d"s of the answer form a cone around a part of the sphere, i just need one "d"
given 2 points "a" and "b" in 3D space
b= center of a sphere always radius 1
I want to find vector direction "d"
The "d"s of the answer form a cone around a part of the sphere, i just need one "d"
i dont think thats enought, i will really learn from a complete answer, as there are many ways of solving this each method will lead to a new root to solve new problems
given 2 points "a" and "b" in 3D space
b= center of a sphere always radius 1
I want to find vector direction "d"
The "d"s of the answer form a cone around a part of the sphere, i just need one "d"
If c is the intersection point, you know that distance(b,c) =1, the angle between vector(b,c) and vector(a,c) is 90, and the distance(a,c) is known, so you can apply the pythagorean theorem.
distance(a,b)^2 = distance(b,c) ^2 + distance(c,a)
You can easyly get the distance(a,c)
Then it seems to be a Circle-circle intersection problem (Circle 1: center in a, radius is distance a,c and Circle 2: center is b distance 1)
Axx * x^2 + Ayy * y^2 + Azz * z^2 + Bx * x + By * y + Bz * z + C = 0
The equation of the polar plane of point (Px, Py, Pz) is thenD * x + E * y + F * z + G = 0
whereD = Axx * Px + Bx
E = Ayy * Py + By
F = Azz * Pz + Bz
G = Bx * Px + By * Py + Bz * Pz + C
I am not 100% this formula is correct, but I am working by analogy with the formula for the polar line found in Wikipedia.